Why students hate math & how online tutoring can change that

Why students hate math & how online tutoring can change that

There are two types of students: those who adore mathematics and those who despise it. We presum that the reader despises arithmetic. Please feel free to share any quick tips and methods you have for solving math problems in the comment box below if you enjoy math.

According to recent poll results, 46% of pupils enjoy math and almost 24% find it boring, with the remainder students showing no preference. The biggest shock in the survey was that 68% of students claimed they would have liked math if they had known how applicable it will be in the near future.

It simply demonstrates that while math may not be the subject that kids despise the most, there is a lack of knowledge and clarity that makes it more challenging for the pupils.

Let’s examine the role of online tutoring in math education and the causes of students’ dislike of arithmetic.

Is math tutoring online the solution to math problems?

Online math tutoring is a method that is frequently used to help pupils become better arithmetic performers. Finding a math tutor online who offers individualized instruction online is the goal. For the best chance of learning, it enables pupils to freely ask questions and receive the tutor’s undivided attention. With such assistance, students can overcome their setbacks, catch up with their peers, and steadily advance in the subject of mathematics.

Check out the best online maths tuition provider here.

According to UK research that was published on the British Council Org website, math anxiety is connected to subpar math performance and can make learning the subject difficult on a daily basis. A math tutor may be useful in many ways, including boosting confidence, brushing up on the fundamentals, and of course simplifying difficult problems and offering step-by-step instructions.

Let’s examine the most typical issues that students go across when trying to learn about numbers.

Insufficient understanding of mathematical rules

Students frequently only study enough to pass tests. They don’t fully understand the subjects as a result. They are at their wits’ end when they are forced to apply the same information as a foundation for higher math. Many pupils who take algebra end up failing it because they don’t grasp the PEMDAS principles. Students who struggle with quadratic equations in high school have a low likelihood of succeeding in calculus.

An online math tutor would probably follow up with the pupils after explaining a concept to make sure they understand it. Additionally, they organize exams to evaluate the performance of the students. They identify the student’s areas of weakness based on the findings and provide appropriate guidance. Online tutoring is available around-the-clock, allowing students to study at their own pace and continue speaking with the tutor as needed to raise their performance.

Not Realizing the Value of Mathematics

Math can occasionally become tedious and even challenging. Many mathematical topics, including polynomials and radicals, seem to have little practical use. Students at this point begin to wonder why they should study math. Even their innate interest in this topic wanes.

Online tutors are well-positioned to determine the root of a student’s lack of interest in math. They can inform kids on how math has been used for numerous advancements in science, technology, sports, commerce, and even domestic necessities after learning about the reasons why the students dislike arithmetic. For instance, they can present a scenario to the pupils on how to manage their pocket money and save for a desired purchase. Here, algebraic equations can be applied successfully.

Fear of Failure and Making Mistakes

In contrast to English writing and history answers, one is not free to write math answers in a variety of methods. One must respond mathematically in a specific way. And the responses are either accurate or inaccurate. And while working through arithmetic problems, mistakes are almost always inevitable. Students either become stuck or flat-out refuse to work through issues.

Math tutors frequently talk to students about mistakes they made when learning the subject. But it was only because of their unwavering determination to succeed that they persisted and ultimately excelled in many fields. Through their successes, they can vouch for the fact that solving math problems is genuinely fulfilling and the work is well worth it.


Overall, it can be said that using an online math tutor can make it very simple for both children and their parents to get past the numerous obstacles to studying arithmetic, particularly those that encourage the attitude “I hate math.” Our math tutors would be honored to assist transform hatred into love.