Why is my refund for a different amount than the amount

Why is my refund for a different amount than the amount indicated on the return I filed?
All or part of your refund may have been used (offset) to pay off delinquent federal tax debts, state income tax debts, state unemployment compensation debts, child support, alimony, or other debt non-tax federal, such as student loans. To find out if you are subject to set-off or if you have questions about set-off, contact the agency to which you owe the debt.
We may also change the amount of your refund because we make changes to your tax return. This may include corrections to any incorrect amount of the Refund Recapture Credit or Child Tax Credit. You will receive a notice explaining the changes. It will show the reasons for the refund offset or the different refund amount if it relates to a change in your tax return.
provides Tema Tributario 203 – Reembolso de las compensaciones por la pensión para hijos menores sin pagar, ciertas deudas federales y estatales y las deudas de compensación para el desempleo more information about refund offsets.
How quickly will I receive my refund? (updated July 7, 2022)
We issue most refunds in less than 21 calendar days. However, it could take six months or more to process your return if you filed your return on paper. The “Where’s My Refund?” app has the most recent information available about your refund.
In addition, it is taking the IRS more than 21 days to issue refunds for some tax returns that require review, including incorrect Refund Recovery Credit amounts, or returns where 2019 income was used to figure the Tax Credit. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC).
I’m counting on my refund for something important. Can I expect to receive it in 21 days?
There are many things that can affect when we issue your refund after receiving your return. Although we issue most refunds in less than 21 days, your refund may take longer. Also, remember to factor in the time it takes for your financial institution to post the refund to your account, or for the refund to arrive in the mail.
It has been more than 21 days since the IRS received my return and I have not received my refund. why? (updated July 7, 2022)
Some returns take longer to process than others for many reasons, including when a return:
- It was presented on paper
- Has errors, such as the incorrect amount of the Refund Recovery Credit
- It’s incomplete
- Needs further review overall
- You are affected by identity theft or fraud
- Includes a claim for the Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit. See the questions and answers below.
- 24 hours after electronically filing a tax year 2021 return
- 3-4 days after electronically filing a 2019 or 2020 tax year return
- It could take six months or more if you filed on paper includesConforme a la Ley de Protección de los Estadounidenses contra los Aumentos de Impuestos (PATH, por sus siglas en inglés), el IRS no puede emitir los reembolsos del EITC y ACTC hasta mediados de febrero. El IRS anticipa que la mayoría de los reembolsos relacionados con el EITC/ CTC adicional estarán disponibles en las cuentas bancarias o en las tarjetas de débito de los contribuyentes antes del 1 de marzo, si escoge el depósito directo y no hay otros problemas con la declaración de impuestos. Sin embargo, algunos contribuyentes pueden recibir sus reembolsos unos días antes. Verifique ¿Dónde está mi reembolso? para obtener una fecha de reembolso personalizada.
The best way to check the status of your refund is still Where’s my refund? IRS2Go mobile app
Does calling them to help me get my refund faster or give me more information? (updated July 7, 2022)
IRS representatives can investigate the status of your return only if:
- More than 21 days have passed since you received notification that your electronic submission was accepted,
- More than six months have passed since you mailed your paper return or
- If the Where’s My Refund?
What information do you have Where is my refund?
It has the refund status for the tax year you select.
Does the refund hotline have the same information as the Where’s My Refund? or the IRS2GO mobile app?
Our automated refund hotline, 800-829-1954, will not be able to provide you with the status of your refund for any year other than the tax year 2021.