Why I’m glad I see ghosts: a lucky hoodie story

Why I’m glad I see ghosts: a lucky hoodie story

When I was younger, I could see things that others could not. When I say see, I don’t mean just visual imagery in my mind’s eye, but tangible things that were right there in front of me. They were (and still are) ghosts, or at least most of them were; some of them might have been the spirits of the deceased while others may have been other types of supernatural entities (poltergeists and the like). I also saw monsters and demons too, but these weren’t as common as ghosts and other spirits/entities.

The Problem

It’s been one of those weeks when it feels like all of your problems are converging on you. You’re juggling deadlines at work, rushing to get groceries before they close, and then the power goes out and you have no idea how long it’ll be out for. It’s frustrating, but not the end of the world.

I was just about to head home when I saw someone wearing my Lucky me I saw Ghosts hoodie on her way in. I knew she must be feeling frustrated too because she had her arms crossed tightly across her chest and her face looked really pinched. So I said Lucky me I see Ghosts hoodie as we passed by each other. She gave me a tight-lipped smile, which made me feel better even though nothing changed with our luck.

The Solution

I was browsing through the Kanyewestmerch.ltd site and came across this Lucky me I see Ghosts hoodie. The design made me laugh, but the price tag made me think twice about buying it. However, after reading some reviews, I found out that they are actually super comfy! So now instead of looking like a crazy person (who sees ghosts), I can be lucky and wear my new hipster hoodie with pride! I’ve been looking for something to wear on Halloween night. What better than a costume that doubles as regular clothing? When I saw this hoodie on the website, it looked pretty normal at first glance – then you look at the name again. ‘Lucky me, I see Ghosts’. You can never have too much luck!

The Result

I was looking through the Lucky me I saw Ghosts Hoodies when I noticed that they have a new one. This one is called the Kanyewestmerch.ltd and it’s priced at $69.99. The shirt has Kanye written on it in big letters with his name being spelled in lowercase letters and followed by an exclamation point; West is also written below his name, but this time in uppercase letters and without an exclamation point. Underneath that, it says I SEE GHOSTS.


How it impacts my life now

I always wondered why people would wear the most expensive, flashy clothes and then walk around in public like that. That’s when it hit me, people are wearing these things to feel lucky. It doesn’t matter if they’re wearing an outfit from kanyewestmerch.ltd or not, the point is to believe in yourself. When I wear Lucky me I see Ghosts hoodie, I feel lucky because of all the ghostly connections it has. The print says Lucky me! I see ghosts! which is obviously referring to my ability to communicate with them, but it also has a Jack o’lantern on it which is one of my favorite symbols for Halloween.


My final thoughts

I was never scared of seeing ghosts. It’s just something that has always been there. When I was little, my mom would tell me to stay in the house because it was too dark out and she couldn’t protect me if I ran into one outside, which for some reason really freaked me out. But as I got older, the stories started to sound less scary and more like fun adventures with friends or something to talk about around the dinner table.

I had seen people wearing this hoodie before and thought it looked really cool, so when my mom bought it for me without asking what size or anything and told me that she saw a ghost wearing it at the store we were shopping at, all thoughts of being scared of seeing ghosts went out the window.