Why Do People Use Air Ambulances?

Why Do People Use Air Ambulances?

Sometimes a second delay can cost the life of your loved one, which can be terrifying and dreadful simultaneously. So, in such a critical medical condition, opting for an air ambulance with the latest equipment to provide immediate care to your dear one would be an excellent decision. 


Moreover, an air ambulance is a unique airplane service with all essential medical instruments that take injured patients from one place to another.  


Indeed, many questions will pop up in your mind before going for air ambulance services in UAE (United Arab Emirates). Therefore, the following information will answer all the quires.


Why do people choose air ambulances in Dubai for their loved ones?


The truth is that air ambulance is very expensive as a source of medical transportation, but no doubt it has numerous benefits which can avail patients. Let’s explore some of it. 


Add more chances to survival: Sometimes, patients’ condition is so bad that we cannot afford long-distance traveling by road. At that span, the best alternative is air ambulance services by Call Doctor, which takes your loved one to the desired place within a few hours. 


Full-fill all medical requirements: This air care service comes with all advanced medical supplies and equipment, unlike a traditional ambulance with a limited medical facility. For instance, it includes trained aeromedical staff who handle any situation at any time. 


Comfort first: On the road, the journey is tough and rough and sometimes can be very long, leading to problems with the patient’s health. On the other hand, if we look at air ambulances in UAE, they are much more hassle-free, which prevents the patient from any discomfort during the journey. 


Help the patients in rural areas: Not all parts of the country provide proper health care. So typically, the people in those areas use air ambulance services to get the appropriate care.


Air ambulance care services


Receivers of Air ambulance care services:


Trauma victims: The ones who are suffering from any head injury. 


Transplant patients: If you need any transplant within a timeframe, you can use these services to avoid lengthy and discomfort journeys by road.


Traffic accident patients: You may shock to know that air ambulances reach faster than ground ambulances in the place of an accident to transfer the patients safely to the hospital. 


Natural disaster victims: The people caught by natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, tornados, or any other tragedy will use an air ambulance service.


Cancer patient: A cancer patient can safely travel through an air ambulance to any top cancer center.


Spinal injury: If a patient suffers from spinal cord injury and wants safe travels to the hospital, they can use an air ambulance in Dubai to ensure safety and comfort.


Things to consider before choosing an air ambulance 


Unfortunately, this most significant advancement in the medical field also had some limitations, which include:


  1. The first limitation of this air ambulance service is that it is very costly, ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. Moreover, the cost depends on the aircraft type and distance that need to cover.
  2. This air care service is only available when favorable weather conditions.
  3. Require a highly trained medical workforce.


You need a phone call to live once again.


The best way to deal with emergencies is an air ambulance. Although it has some constraints, the above information gives you enough reasons to choose air ambulance Dubai for your loved one. So, experience Call Doctor along with the above benefits. In addition, their experts handle minor and worst cases scenarios with care. Plus, flights are planned according to patient conditions.