Why Do Beekeepers Live Longer, Or Is It Just A Myth

Why Do Beekeepers Live Longer, Or Is It Just A Myth

Beekeeping is a quite ancient profession; people have been involved in it for about nine thousand years. Still, beekeeping is a valuable and demanding profession in most countries.


But being such an old job, does it give any health benefits to the beekeepers? Should someone start stepping into this job?  And Do beekeepers live longer, or is it just a myth?


Beekeeping gives lots of benefits as compared to most other professions. In this blog post, we explore crucial information regarding the beekeeping profession.


Why do beekeepers live longer, or is it just a myth?


As a belief, beekeepers can live longer and have been found to spend a healthy life. But it is not that anyone who gets into this job would gain an increased lifespan. That is, one has to spend a decent amount of time in this work with devotion to obtain these benefits.


Below, we have mentioned the possible reasons that make the belief accurate about how a beekeeper can live longer.


Beekeeping involves physical activity


It is a profession that requires challenging efforts for the person. A beekeeper has to spend hours doing different tasks and activities.


Beekeeping involves physical movements, including; colonizing bees, monitoring the hives, checking the temperature, collecting honey, and many other responsible tasks.


They are exposed to nature


Beekeeping is an all-natural and open-environment profession.


Since beekeeping is done outdoors, those who do it are exposed to fresh air, sunlight, and a green environment.


As a result, they experience reduced stress, stable mood, and a revitalizing feeling.


Honey plays a crucial role


Pure honey is among the healthiest foods for humans.


It contains following properties which make it highly beneficial:


  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Antioxidant


It would be strange if a beekeeper didn’t take this beneficial food even after preparing it with his hands.


Thus, consuming fresh and natural honey could be one reason why beekeepers live longer.


Propolis is too beneficial


Propolis looks similar to resin, which is a material collected by bees.


Beekeepers can obtain several benefits from it, such as improved immunity, control of blood pressure, and a remedy against gastritis ulcers.


You may also use it for outer body issues, such as wound healing, cavity protection, burn treatment, etc.


Can a beekeeper die of a bee sting?


It is common for a beekeeper to experience several stings during the job and then itchiness as a side effect. Some of them can even last for months and if the sting site is left untreated, it might result in the potentially fatal condition known as anaphylaxis.


Always take quick actions after a bee sting. Some of them are as follows.


  • Try your best to remove the stinger using your nails or a tweezers
  • Using soap water, wash the stung area
  • Apply a cold compress to the site
  • Use painkillers to counter the pain


If the complication after a bee sting is not resolved with self-help, seek immediate medical help to get the condition under control.


What do beekeepers do all day?


Beekeeping involves several tasks throughout the day. A person is almost always busy with activities, including mowing, weeding, inspection, etc.


A single person has to handle a couple of Hives in his everyday job routine.


To put it simply, Beekeeping is a healthy job but with strict responsibilities.


Is beekeeping a dangerous job?


Generally, beekeeping jobs usually involve keeping honeybees to obtain pure and fresh honey.


Since honeybees are susceptible to stinging any exposed skin area, beekeeping is dangerous.


What’s more, the sting of a honeybee is not an ignorable reaction. It may sooner result in several complications such as pain, swelling, numbness, itching, etc. If not treated quickly, the sting may also cause severe conditions like vomiting, fainting, shortness of breath, or hives.


All in all, beekeeping, besides being a beneficial job, is also challenging . All you need is to follow the instructions and always wear a safety bee suit, which will help you protect yourself from any possible harm. What’s more, it is recommended to take professional beekeeping training before starting it on your own.


The bottom line


Beekeeping does both; it generates income and provides food as honey. Moreover, it is also a profession that can help you live a healthy life.


Since beekeeping is done in an open air environment, this also provides health benefits throughout the job period.


However, it is not totally accurate that beekeepers may always live longer. That is, it all depends upon how a beekeeper keeps himself healthy, maintains a structured lifestyle and properly gains benefits from this profession.

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