Which Dental Problems are Regarded as Dental Emergencies?

Are you experiencing any oral problem? Then, visiting a dentist must be the key decision! But what’s about if the problem arises at midnight, on weekend or a holiday? If you ever experience any such issue out of the hours then you have to start searching for ‘emergency dentist near me’ in your locality.
Therefore, it is extremely important for you to understand the basic difference between dental emergency which can either cost your tooth or your health and normal oral problem. So, we have come up with this post for you. Hope, we will not disappoint you!
How will you come to know when there is any dental emergency?
Dental emergencies can be common too! For instance, toothache can be dental emergency if it makes you discomfort along sleepless night. But it can cause due to several other health conditions as well.
However not each dental problem is an emergency! While you are in confusion if you need immediate treatment or can wait to see the dentist, consider the given questions:
- Is the pain severe? Bleeding and severe pain are dental emergency
- Do you lose a tooth? Immediate treatment can preserve it
- Are you experiencing loose tooth? Adults must not face this problem! If so, loose and painless tooth is a serious matter
- Is there any infection? Serious infection and abscess are life-threatening. One must seek immediate right away! In the meantime swelling and knots can be noticed around the face and gums
- Bleed from the mouth? It is a warning indication of dental emergency
Basically, any oral problem of high degree deeming for immediate treatment to alleviate intolerable pain, saving a tooth, stop profuse bleeding is regarded as dental emergency. It is also applicable to the infections lead to life-threatening conditions.
Whenever you experience such symptoms, find out a dental clinic in your locality by searching with ‘emergency dental services near me’ online. This is so; because you are experiencing dental emergency which needs immediate treatment. In case, you are unable to find so then ring up your dentist or visit to your nearby ER (emergency room).
Which are not dental emergencies?
In case the oral issue can wait to be checked by a dentist then it is not a dental emergency of course. Sometimes, the issue may seem critical but not actually so and thence you can opt for some home remedy.
For instance, cracked or chipped tooth is an emergency as it can be painful and leave sharp fragments need to be treated immediately by the dentist. Otherwise, it can cause trauma. But if chipped hasn’t hurt that much then it not an emergency and you can wait for the next couple of day to see the dentist.
Similarly, tooth pain can wait to get treatment as well if the pain is not so excruciating. But if it is accompanied by high fever, bumps on gums and face swelling, emergency dental care near me is what you must use to search a dental clinic nearby offering emergency dentistry.
For lost crown and filling, delaying is possible to visit a dentist by sticking sugar-free gum in the space temporarily. Over-the-counter (OTC) dental cement and denture adhesive can be used for placing the crown into its original position again. But refrain from the use of super glue as it can be harmful for overall dental health.
Typical dental emergencies
In case you are experiencing any below-mentioned dental emergencies, you must know well about caring tips prior you can make yourself comfortable to see a dentist.
Knocked-out teeth
As per American Association of Endodontists, the immediate action you must take after being a tooth knocked out is to see a dentist for its reinsertion and preservation.
Always pick the tooth with its top or crown. Be careful so that you don’t touch its root. Rinse it carefully so that it doesn’t get scratched. Reinsert it in the desired socket on your own if possible. Otherwise, take milk filled small container where you can soak it until you can see a dentist. This will save the tooth by preventing it from getting dried up.
Chipped or cracked teeth
Whenever there is any serious or painful fracture rinse the mouth using warm water. Later, application of cold compress can provide some relief from swelling. Although you might take acetaminophen to alleviate the pain but it will be better to avoid using of numbing gel or painkiller to prevent gum damage.
Abscessed teeth
Tooth abscess is a matter of concern as it leads to life-threatening issue. Firstly, it starts developing a pocket filled with pus in root of tooth gradually leading to severe infection. It can result in prolonged toothache, tooth sensitivity to cold and hot, fever and soft lymph nodes around neck. Even, pimple-like bumps in gums close to infected tooth and face swelling will be experienced as well.
It is absolutely an emergency condition as with time the infection will becomes severer and spread all over the mouth infecting other body parts, surrounding tissues and jaw. Before visiting a dentist, use mild saltwater for rinsing the mouth and alleviating the pain. It will also allow the pus to come to the surface.
Ways to deal with potential dental emergencies
Staying proactive with your oral care hygiene and keeping the routine oral check up are some effective ways for the prevention of dental emergencies. During regular dental check up appointment, the signs of loose crowns and fillings will be checked by the dentist.
Also they will look for potential gum disease, infection and decay. If a tooth has been extracted because of any dental emergency then keeping up with the aftercare instructions provided by the dentist is substantial. These will keep associated potential risks like infection and dry socket at bay.
Your oral problems will be taken into account with customised treatment plan before they become a dental emergency. Also, paying heed to the abnormalities that gradually develop in the body and mouth and heading towards emergency can work out for you. Remember to pick up the most suitable dental care plan for you and your family.
Despite of preventing your mouth from infections with proper oral care regime, unpredicted dental emergencies can take place. If you are dealing with any such then timely treatment is what you need at present. Emergency Dentist London is such a clinic in the city where you can seek proper treatment on time.