Where did Gatsby get his money?

Where did Gatsby get his money?
We are told that Gatsby essentially came out of nowhere and that the first time he met Daisy Buchanan, he was “a penniless young man.” His fortune, we are told, was the result of a bootlegging business – “He bought up many street pharmacies here and in Chicago” and sold moonshine over the counter.
So Nick and Daisy are cousins?
Expert Answers
Nick and Daisy are second cousins once removed, and Daisy’s husband Tom is a college friend of Nick’s since they attended Yale together. Nick says that he spent two days with them after the war in Chicago. He calls them “two old friends whom he barely knew.”
With this in mind, why did Gatsby get rich?
He earned it by bootlegging alcohol, which as we all know was illegal due to the prohibition of alcohol during the time of this book, and he also earned much of his money from bogus stocks. Although Jay Gatsby didn’t earn his money honestly, he was a very honest man when it came to what he wanted.
Also, who is richer Tom or Gatsby?
Tom is richer than Gatsby and much less likely to lose his money; for the simple fact that he did not need to engage in anything illegal to gain his wealth from him. In fact, Tom didn’t need to participate in anything to receive wealth from him.
Why did Jay Gatsby want to be rich?
Jay Gatsby. … Although Gatsby has always wanted to be rich, his main motivation for acquiring his fortune was his love for Daisy Buchanan, whom he met when he was a young military officer in Louisville before leaving to fight in World War I in 1917.
Second, who killed Myrtle?
The person responsible for Myrtle Wilson’s death is Daisy Buchanan. Daisy is tasked with driving a car that hit Myrtle Wilson on the side of the road. Daisy is driving when Myrtle Wilson jumps in front of Daisy for help. Witnesses say that a person in a yellow car was the one who hit her.
Are Tom and Daisy cousins?
Tom, as you know, is Daisy’s husband when the action of the novel begins. He and Nick know each other from college (Yale), where Nick developed a negative impression of Tom. ” Daisy was my second cousin once removed, and I met him in college. And just after the war, I spent two days with them in Chicago.”
Did Gatsby know that Nick was Daisy’s cousin?
Expert Answers
There is no incident in the novel where direct mention is made of how Gatsby found out about Nick and Daisy’s relationship. However, we can correctly assume that he most likely heard from Jordan Baker.
Why did Gatsby drink so little?
The book says that Gatsby had to be Cody’s “jailer” on occasion. That implies that Cody got out of control when he was drunk. Gatsby’s character doesn’t seem like one that he would enjoy being out of control and I think that’s why he hardly ever drank.
What bad things did Gatsby do?
Gatsby’s tragic flaw is his inability to wake up from his past dream and accept reality . His obsession with him with reclaiming his past relationship with Daisy forces him into a life of crime and deceit. He becomes a smuggler, doing business with a gangster and creating a false identity.
What was the secret of the great Gatsby?
Over the course of the novel, and certainly the new film version, we discover what Gatsby is hiding: not only his criminal bootlegging, but also his last name, Gatz, and his poor ethnic-American roots, which ultimately exclude him from mainstream circles. . upper-class Anglo-American social classes he hoped to enter.
Who killed Gatsby in The Great Gatsby?
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald was published in 1925. Jay Gatsby is shot to death in his mansion’s swimming pool by George Wilson, a gas station owner who believes Gatsby is the hit-and-run driver who killed his wife, Myrtle.
Why is The Great Gatsby a banned book?
The Great Gatsby, by F.
Challenged at Baptist College in Charleston, SC (1987) due to “language and sexual references in the book .
Is The Great Gatsby a true story?
Many questions. Is the Great Gatsby a true story? To the surprise of many, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel is actually something of a hybrid. It is a work of fiction, however, it should be noted. it is loosely based on real people and places.
What is Jay Gatsby lying about?
Jay Gatsby, the main character in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book “The Great Gatsby,” lies all the time. He lies about the source of his wealth from him, he lies about his love life from him, he even lies about reading the great books in his library from him. … So the Big Lie has the story of him in fiction and in fact.