What to Expect Before, During, and After Laser Eye Surgery

What to Expect Before, During, and After Laser Eye Surgery

It is important to know what to expect before, during, and after any surgery to help you prepare for it. What to expect before, during, and after a laser eye surgery varies amongst patients. However, there are some basic things that anyone preparing to have a laser eye surgery London should expect before, during, and after the surgery.


The write-up gives you a basic insight into what to expect throughout the procedure, but this doesn’t eliminate the need to speak with your doctor at every stage of the process.


What To Expect Before A Laser Eye Surgery


If you decide to use the LASIK procedure, you will first carry out a baseline examination to find out if you are suitable for the procedure. To prepare for the baseline examination, you need to switch from contact lenses to wearing full-time glasses. Wearing contact lenses changes the shape of your cornea and even when you stop wearing them, the effect on your cornea could last for weeks depending on the type. Removing your contact lenses long before your baseline evaluation will enable the cornea to assume its natural shape before the surgery, and this can prevent complications.


These complications include inaccurate measurement and poor surgical plans, which can result in poor vision after the surgery.


The measurements taken during a baseline evaluation will help determine the number of corneal tissues to be removed. The measurements may also be repeated at least a week after the initial evaluation and before the surgery to check if there are any changes, especially in those who wear RGP or hard lenses.


The types of lenses and how long they should be removed before the surgery is as follows;


  • Soft contact lenses


If you use this type of lenses, you should stop wearing them at least 2 weeks before your initial evaluation.


  • Toric soft lenses or rigid permeable (RGP) lenses


Switch this type of lenses at least 3 weeks before your initial evaluation


  • Hard lenses


Hard lenses are supposed to be removed at least 4 weeks before your initial evaluation


Other things you must do before your laser eye surgery include:


  • Speak to your doctor about your past and present general health and eye conditions
  • Tell your doctor all about medications you currently take including over-the-counter medications
  • Tell your doctor the medications you are allergic to


Before your laser eye surgery, your doctor will perform a thorough eye examination on you and discuss the following.


  • If you are a suitable candidate
  • The risks you should expect before, during, and after your surgery
  • Your responsibilities before, during, and after your surgery


During your discussion with your doctor, you should be able to ask questions about the surgery and voice out your concerns, so give yourself adequate time to think about all you have to discuss with your doctor.


Do not feel pressured by anybody to go through with the surgery if you are not convinced to go through with it after thinking about its risks and benefits.


The day before your surgery, you should not use the following products on your face


  • Perfumes
  • Makeup
  • Lotions
  • Creams


These products can leave debris on your eyelashes which increases the likelihood of infection during and after your surgery. You may also need to thoroughly scrub your face for a few days before your surgery to remove any debris or residue on your lashes.


You also need to arrange for transportation to and from the clinic after your surgery and on your first follow-up visit because you will not be allowed to drive since your vision may be hazy for a while.


What To Expect During Laser Eye Surgery


Laser eye surgery usually takes less about 30 minutes in a room containing the laser system, which consists of a large machine with a microscope and computer screen attached to it. You will be asked to lie on your back in a reclining chair, and the surgeon will drop numbing substance into your eye. The area around your eye will be cleaned, and a lid speculum will be used to hold your eyelids open.


Your surgeon may use a mechanical blade called microkeratome to cut a flap in your cornea. In this method, your surgeon will place a ring in your eye and apply high pressure to the cornea to create a suction. While the suction ring is on, your vision will become dim, and you may experience a little discomfort during this part of the procedure. The microkeratome will then be attached to the suction ring to cut a flap into your cornea.


Your surgeon may use a laser keratome instead of a mechanical microkeratome to cut the flap. To use a laser keratome, your surgeon will flatten your cornea with a clear plastic plate. During this part of the procedure, you may feel pressure, experience discomfort in your eye, and have a dim vision. The surgeon will focus laser energy inside the cornea tissues. This will create thousands of small gas and water bubbles that expand and connect to separate the tissues underneath the cornea surface, creating a flap. 


At the end of the procedure, the surgeon will place a shield over your eye since there are no stitches to hold the flap in place. The shield should be kept on to prevent rubbing your eye and putting pressure on the eye while you sleep and carry out other activities


What To Expect After Laser Eye Surgery


After the procedure, you may experience the following


  • Mild pain
  • Burn in the eye
  • Itching
  • Tearing
  • Hazy vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Glare
  • Starbursts
  • Haloes around lights
  • Bloodshot eyes


Most of these aftereffects are temporary and they disappear within the first few days after the surgery. However, if these symptoms do not subside after a while, contact your doctor immediately.


You have to take a few days from work to enable your eye to heal properly, visit your doctor within 24-48 hours after your surgery and at regular intervals for the first 6 months. Your doctor will check the progress of your recovery during every visit.


After your surgery, your doctor may also advise you to:


  • Avoid non-contact sports for a while
  • Avoid using lotions, creams, and other facial products for at least 2 weeks
  • Avoid strenuous activities like football for at least 4 weeks
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes for a while
  • Avoid swimming and hot tub for 1-2 months


You can get the best laser eye surgery at Optimal Vision. To contact us today, simply call 020 7183 3725 or send an email to info@optimalvision.co.uk.