What Do the Occupational Medical Examinations Require?

As required by Law No. 19587, at the time of incorporating personnel, every company must carry out occupational medical examinations that ensure that the applicant meets the psychophysical conditions that their work will require.
In 1997 the Superintendency of Labor Risks promulgated Resolution No. 43/97, giving framework to the mandatory nature and the requirements on Medical Health Exams and updating what is versed in the Law of 19,587 on Hygiene and Safety at Work.
The pre-occupational examination allows to determine with precision the state of health of the worker, thus being able to orient him towards tasks that are not harmful to him, according to his aptitudes.
The basic preoccupation examination by law consists of:
- Laboratory:
- cytological, glycemia, uremia, urine, erythrocyte sedimentation.
- Electrocardiogram.
- Chest X-ray.
- Complete clinical examination with affidavit of health.
Currently, the Machado-Guerrero study is no longer mandatory, an analysis that determines the presence of Chagas disease. On the other hand, according to the position and occupational risk, the employer may request the completion of complementary examinations such as:
- Lumbosacral spine X-ray (in case of work with effort).
- Cervical Column X-ray (in case of work with effort).
- Audiometry (in case of noise exposure).
- Dose of blood or urine (in case of contact with polluting substances).
- Laryngoscopy (in the case of tasks that require straining the voice).
- Psychotechnical examination.
In principle, the exam should not be eliminatory, but rather try to adapt the applicant’s psychophysical conditions to the job and vice versa. This is important for both the company and the applicant, as there may be findings that the latter ignores.
If abnormalities are detected that can be modified with treatment, once the treatment is finished, the doctor will evaluate if the problem has been overcome and will determine the final fit, after confirming the studies carried out previously.
Exit Exams
When a person ceases to belong to the company, it is up to the Occupational Risk Insurer (ART) to order the completion of the labor exit exam. It can also be requested by the employer.
The procedure is similar to the pre-entry exam: from the completion of a series of studies, it is determined under what psychophysical conditions the employee ends his contractual relationship with the company. Any disease that had its origin at work is detected, as well as changes in existing pathologies at discharge with respect to admission. The purpose of this examination is to prevent potential legal inconveniences related to occupational diseases.
Periodic or Annual Medical Exams
The aforementioned Law establishes the obligation to carry it out at least once a year, being also extremely useful for knowing the health status of company personnel, as well as to prevent work accidents or professional diseases.
The ideal is an annual clinical examination that can be complemented with other studies according to the environment and occupational risk. Although it is the ART’s obligation to carry out these tests, the employer can also request them.
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