Use Reviews In Your Book Marketing In 7 Ways

Book lovers are everywhere, including on the Internet. Chances are, they’ll have much to say on a book, if they love it so much. In fact, they might even recommend a good read on social media, retail sites, and so on.
With book reviews now being easier to do these days, especially thanks to social media, there is now a need for more reviews on books. If you’re an author of a book, that’s where you come in.
If someone has already written a positive review on your book, then that’s a good thing. Now is the time to put the reviews into good use.
Customer Reviews In Marketing Your Book
When marketing anything, a good customer review is so important. If you’ve gone shopping online, you’ll see there’s reviews from customers on almost every product page. The vast majority of would be buyers will check those reviews, as they want to see what other customers have said about it. If the reviews are mostly positive, then they’re more likely to buy the product.
The same applies to your book. There are so many books on the market now, and it’s hard to get the attention of your audience. If you start utilizing book reviews though, you’ll be able to start marketing it in a way that shows them why they should read it. There are plenty of ways you can do this, so you can grab their attention and increase those sales.
Here are 7 ways to use customers’ book reviews to your advantage when marketing your book:
Create A Useful Template
When leveraging reviews for your book marketing, you’ll need a template to help you get started. First, think about your brand. If your book has a logo or a certain theme, then add it to the template. Next, if you’re going to post about your book on social media, make sure that you have a template for each social media platform that you’re going to post on. For example, for social media platforms like Instagram, you’ll need to make your customer testimonials visual to users with eye-catching images, videos, and so on.
Having that template will also ensure that all your reviews have a consistent look across social media. With the right imagery they will be eye catching, and show off just why someone should check your book out.
Feel Free To Cross-Promote
Yes, cross promotion is a thing for writers everywhere. Whether you choose to quote a great book review in the starting pages of your book, or on the back of the book, is entirely up to you. “When you place these quotes where people can see them, that’ll entice them to read your book. It’s like seeing an attractive advertisement within another, and it makes you interested in what the original ad has to offer” says Dominic Chiles, a marketing writer at Academized.
Add To The Press Release
Press releases are another great way to get the word out about your book. Want to spice things up at a press release? Then find a strong quote from a positive review, so that people know of your credibility as you set up a date with the media. This allows you to sell the book’s concept with reporters and commentators, so that they in turn promote it.
Take Advantage Of User-Generated Content
Now, you don’t have to let the media have all the publicity fun. Why not allow consumers to share photos and videos of your book on their social media? Sharing your book on social media can help you reach more viewers and more readers.
Sometimes, you’ll get YouTubers and or influencers wanting to promote your book. When they draw in the numbers, you’ll get more publicity that way.
There have been a growing number of influencers focusing on books online, especially on platforms like TikTok. They love to talk about the books they love, and that will lead to increased sales when their audience sees this. You can work with influencers who cover books like yours to get those reviews. In many cases, you’ll simply need to send them a copy of your book to get started.
Take About Reviews On Book Sales Page
If you have a sales page for your book’s official website, be sure to add customer reviews on there as well. On that page, you put not only the book cover and teaser blurb, but also a good quote from a review that you liked. This allows for users on sites like Amazon to see what your book is capable of, when they click on your book. If the review quote is good, then it’ll attract curious book lovers.
Remember, customer reviews are an excellent form of social proof for your book. While there may be glowing reviews from professional media, a customer is really going to trust a review from a fellow customer. It feels genuine to them, so they know they’re getting a real opinion on your book. Adding that social proof will go a long way on your book sales page.
Turn Reviews Into Hooks
Yes, it’s possible to hook curious readers with a strong quote from a book review. Why are people calling your book “immersive” or “out of this world”? Why are reviewers calling it “a sinister love story like no other”? Such quotes make people think. Once curiosity sets in, readers will want to pick up your book and read it.
That’s why it’s important that you turn hard-hitting quotes from a book review into the hook. The hook acts as the draw – it’ll bring readers into your world, as they get their hands on your book.
Mention Reviews In Launch Campaign
Finally, your book launch campaign can’t be without positive customer reviews. These reviews are perfect for your blog, newsletter, social media, etc. By implementing these reviews strategically, your followers will stay loyal to your book, even if you announce another book to the series, or start a new series.
Your book marketing can be successful if you learn to leverage customer reviews. By following the seven tips suggested in this brief guide, you’ll reel in more readers with promises of a great story once they start turning the pages.