United States: the country that collects the most money from tourism

United States: the country that collects the most money from tourism

United States: the country that collects the most money from tourism

Chicago (HINA) –  The United States (USA) is the country that raises the most money thanks to the tourism sector, followed by China, Spain, and France, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recently announced.

According to the entity’s report, based on data obtained from 2015, the US raised 178,000 million dollars last year; China, 114,000 million; Spain, 57,000 and France, 46,000. The UNWTO also noted that these nations ranked at the top of the list in terms of the number of visitors.

By continent, Europe was the most visited by tourists throughout the year, with 51% of foreign visitors from all over the world entering its territory. Europe was followed by Asia (with 24%); then the Americas (with 16%), Africa (with 5%), and the Midwest (with 4%).

According to the UNWTO, a total of 1,184 million tourists were registered on a global scale in 2015. With respect to the total income generated by international visitors in terms of accommodation, food, leisure, shopping, services, and goods, the figure exceeded 1,230 million Dollars.

The UNWTO added that China is the nation that spends the most on tourism, followed by the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France.

We present to you how much a graduate in tourism earns. in different countries

If your concerns have revolved around serving others effectively. With this career you will be able to learn to be an administrator in hotels or tourist sites, especially in other countries and cultures, speak several languages ​​​​or promote the attractions of a country. So if you want to know how much does a tourism graduate earn? We suggest you continue with this reading.

Therefore, if you are interested in studying this career, we will introduce you and show you a lot of details that you will surely want to know, such as: how much does a tourism graduate earn? And what are the best job fields to study in this university career?

Also, the average professional income in the field, and fully know how much a tourism graduate earn in different countries? Therefore, we recommend you continue reading this article.

How much does a tourism graduate earn?

To be clear, how much does a tourism graduate earn if you look good in the job market for this career. Since you can enjoy a minimum wage similar to that of the highest-paid occupations in the world such as civil engineering, medicine, law, or hotel management.

 In addition, it is important to know how much a graduate in tourism and hospitality earns.   Thus, keep in mind that your salary will depend on the country in which you are. Because of that, the level of demand in your tourist destination and even the company for which you are looking for a job.

For this reason, we detail how much an international tourism graduate earns, how many of these university graduates in some countries Occupational income:

  • How much does a tourism graduate earn in Argentina?: $630 to $850 per month.
  • How much does a tourism graduate earn in the United States ?: $3,932 per month.
  • How much does a tourism graduate earn in Spain?: 000 to 36,000 euros per year.
  • How much does a tourism graduate earn in Mexico?: USD 600 to 900 per month, MXN 126,852 per year.
  • How much does a tourism graduate earn in Peru?: $480 to $850 per month.