Top 5 Python Framework for Web Development

Top 5 Python Framework for Web Development

What is Python Framework?


Python is an interpreted high-level language for general-purpose programming. Created on December 3, 1989, by Guido van Rossum, Python has a design philosophy entitled, “There’s only one way to do it, and that’s why it works.”


This philosophy is evident in the language’s syntax, which is simple and concise. Python is typically faster to write than traditional compiled languages such as Java or C++. It also has a large and active development community, with a massive standard library that covers a wide range of subjects.


Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language with a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability. Python is a powerful tool for web development. It is a popular choice for both server-side and client-side programming. Many popular web frameworks are based on Python, including Flask, Django, and Pyramid.


Python is a good choice for beginners because of its readability. It is also a powerful language that can be used for more complex applications. Python web frameworks make it easy to get started with web development. They provide templates and libraries that allow you to build web applications without having to reinvent the wheel.


There are many Python web frameworks to choose from. Some of the most popular ones include Flask, Django, and Pyramid. Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses. You should choose a framework based on your own skills and preferences.


Flask is a minimalist Python web framework. It is perfect for small projects and is easy to learn. Flask doesn’t come with a lot of built-in features, but it is easy to add extensions to make it more powerful.


Django is a more heavyweight Python web framework. It is a good choice for larger projects. Django comes with a lot of built-in features, including a powerful ORM and a template system.


Pyramid is a newer Python web framework. It is similar to Django, but it is more lightweight and beginner-friendly. Pyramid is a good choice for small to medium-sized projects.


Popular Python Framework for Web Development


1. Django


Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It lets you build high-performance, maintainable websites with less code. Django is free and open source software released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.  Django is a powerful Python web development framework that enables rapid development of robust web applications. It has a large and active community of developers and users who are always working to improve it. Django is well suited for both small and large web applications.


Who Uses Django?


Some big-name websites that use Django include Instagram, Disqus, The Washington Times, and Pinterest.


Some features of Django include:


1. Powerful admin interface that lets you easily create, edit, and browse your data.


2. Versatile templating system for creating HTML pages.


3. Simple URL dispatcher that lets you mapping URLs to function calls.


4. Built-in support for user authentication and sessions.


5. Comprehensive set of libraries for Web development.


How Does Django Work?


Django is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework. It separates the logic of your application into three parts:


Models: The Model part of MVC defines the structure of your data. In Django, models are represented by classes that sub-class django.db.models.Model .


The Model part of MVC defines the structure of your data. In Django, models are represented by classes that sub-class. Views: The View part of MVC defines how your data is displayed. In Django, views are represented by Python functions that take a model as their first argument and a request object as their second argument.


The View part of MVC defines how your data is displayed. In Django, views are represented by Python functions that take a model as their first argument and a request object as their second argument. Controllers: The Controller part of MVC defines the business logic of your application.


When a web browser requests a page from your application, Django determines which view to call based on the URL of the request. Django then loads the requested view and passes it the model and request object. The view then uses the model to generate the HTML page and sends it back to the web browser.


2. CherryPy


The CherryPy Python Framework is a fast and lightweight web framework that takes a modular approach to web development. It was designed to be as simple as possible while still providing all the features needed to build complex websites and applications. It enables developers to create web applications in Python.  It is easy to use and has a small footprint, which makes it a good choice for smaller projects. CherryPy is also well-supported, with a large community of users and developers. One of the great things about CherryPy is that it’s easy to get started.  You can simply download the framework and start writing code. There is no need to configure or set up any complicated tools or frameworks. CherryPy also uses a variety of programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming and functional programming. This makes it a versatile framework that can be used for a variety of applications.


Additionally, CherryPy is one of the most popular web frameworks available today. It has a large community of developers who are always working to improve the framework and create new and innovative applications.


3. Pyramid


Pyramid is a Python web framework that provides a codeless approach to creating web applications. It is based on the Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.It is based on the idea of using templates to generate pages instead of using full-blown programming languages.  This makes it a popular choice for those who are new to web development, as it does not require the same level of knowledge and expertise as some of the more popular frameworks such as Ruby on Rails or Laravel. Pyramid is also a good choice for those who want more control over their web applications, as it does not rely as heavily on predefined structures and patterns. Instead, it gives developers more flexibility to create the applications that they need. This also makes it a good choice for more complex applications that need more than just a simple MVC structure.


One of the main advantages of Pyramid is the amount of support that it has. There are many different libraries and add-ons that are available, as well as a large community of developers who are always willing to help. This makes it a good option for those who want to start developing web applications, as they will have access to a wealth of resources.


Pyramid is also a good choice for those who want to deploy their applications on different platforms. It is compatible with many different servers and hosting technologies, making it a versatile choice.


4. Grok


Grok is an excellent Python web development framework that allows developers to easily create sophisticated web applications. Grok comes with a wide range of features that makes web development easier, including a template engine, an object-relational mapper, and a scaffolding tool. Additionally, Grok is well-documented and well-supported, making it an excellent choice for Python developers. It is a Python framework that makes it easy to create web applications. Grok has many features that make development faster and easier, including:


– Automatic routing that maps URLs to Python functions


– A templating system that allows you to create HTML pages without write any HTML


– Automatic session management and authentication


– A database abstraction layer that makes it easy to work with different database systems


Grok is open source software released under the Mozilla Public License. You can download it from the Grok web site at


5. TurboGears


TurboGears is a web development framework written in Python. It is easy to use and provides a lot of features for web development. It is based on the Pylons project, but uses the newly released WSGI 1.0 standard. TurboGears is designed to make web development faster and easier by providing a high-level, object-oriented API to various web development tools. These include the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit, the Genshi Template Engine, the FormEncode Validator, the Mako Template Engine, and the Jinja Template Engine.


TurboGears uses the Repoze Build System, which is based on the Zope3 Framework. This allows developers to create web applications by assembling reusable components, rather than writing custom code for each application. The Repoze project also includes the Pylons web framework.


TurboGears was created by Kevin Dangoor, who also created the Pylons project. The first alpha release was announced on July 18, 2006. The first beta release was announced on November 3, 2006. The first stable release was announced on February 1, 2007.


TurboGears is a mature web development framework. It has been used to create a number of high-profile web applications, including the Fedora Project web site, the Pylons Project web site, and the Sakila sample database application.