Top 10 Valuable Instagram Post Ideas Businesses Must Follow

Top 10 Valuable Instagram Post Ideas Businesses Must Follow

Instagram is the perfect place to grow because it has more than 1 billion monthly active users and 80% of them follow at least one business profile. Most brands use Instagram to develop their businesses and almost every brand recreates the same content. If you need to grow your business on Instagram your content must be unique and different from others to attract more people on Instagram. You could also use Instagram insights or analytics tools to understand which type of content receives more engagement and what your audiences like. If you’re running out of ideas on what to post on Instagram, here are 10 precious content ideas for businesses.


Instagram Post Ideas For Businesses


Answer Frequently Asked Questions


You might create videos to answer the frequently asked questions on Instagram. Answering the questions is the best way to connect with audiences and give clarity about it. Use Instagram reels, and feed videos to answer the important question for your audiences, and also it will appear on the feed grid. Upload stories with the use of polls, and questions to know your audience’s opinion and answer them. You could also use IGTV to answer the question in a separate session at the end of your long video. When you answer the FAQ by creating videos people will trust your brand and start purchasing the products. This is one of the best ideas to increase your follower’s count and to interact with them.


Create Behind-The-Scenes


Brands should focus on taking their audiences behind the scenes because they don’t know what is happening behind them. Create videos on how you produce your products and the emotions behind them. You could also create videos of which type of properties are used in your company to produce the products and how they work. Posting such videos is a potential way to gather plenty of reels views and make them fascinated about your brand and product. Most brands are afraid of posting these kinds of videos so, you don’t be scared of uploading behind-the-scenes videos on your Instagram; it doesn’t reveal any of your marketing strategies.


Teach Audiences


Create a video to tell how to use your product. This will be more helpful for audiences who don’t know how to use it. How to videos is a set of steps that helps users to do it. You could create short tutorial videos of your product where audiences spend more time pausing and watching the video. Record videos of how your product works and show it as a demo video to get more engagement. Create tutorial videos to teach your audiences and explain the advantages of using your products. Trigger the viewers to purchase your products to increase the sales and popularity on Instagram. Teaching audiences how to use something is the best way to grab more attention and interactions.


Before And After


You could create videos like before and after to build trust in your brand. Ask your customers you purchased your products to send any of their previously recorded videos or photos. After requesting them to send a video or photo after using your product to show how your product works. For example, If your product is hair shampoo ask your followers about the product and the video after using the product to signal the relevance of your product to audiences. To upload these kinds of videos you need some basic knowledge in editing videos. Add music to the content which suits perfectly to look more attractive. Write the perfect captions on the content to give clarity about your content.


User-Generated Content


Focus on creating user-generated content to attract more audiences on Instagram. This type of content helps get more engagement because people would trust your brand. Ask your customers to record a video with your product and send it to you. After receiving the video get permission from the customer to upload it on your account and post it on your Instagram reels to gain more engagement. While posting these kinds of contents viewers could interact with your video by commenting. This is the best way to receive higher engagement.


Inspirational Video


Tell a story about yourself or some other to inspire your audiences. You could create a chance to tell your own story of how many struggles and failures you faced to start the business. Speak about your inspiration or some others related to your niche to motivate them to purchase your products. This will be a good strategy to drive more traffic and new audiences to increase sales. While more people are inspired by your content, they will start to follow your account and might change into your loyal customers later. These kinds of videos grab more attention and engagement to place on the explore page to increase the visibility of your account.


Move On With Trend


Check Instagram consistently to know what is currently trending. Analyse and make use of them in your content to acquire more interactions and traffic. Understand which hashtags and contents are trending and use them if it suits your content to go viral. You might upload the blooper videos which are currently trending on Instagram. Blooper videos are nothing that fails happened while creating videos or at your company to entertain the audiences. Add attractive branded hashtags on your content to reach huge audiences because some people watch videos by discovering hashtags. Moving on with the trend is the easiest way to increase engagement and traffic.


Testimonial Videos


Uploading testimonial videos is an effective way to build trust in your brand. Testimonial is also known as the review of the customer. If someone buys your product you can ask them to record a video reviewing the product and how it is. You can also request them to record the unboxing video of your product and ask to send it and post it on your Instagram to get social proof for your profile’s engagement. This will help to grow your business on Instagram and the sales potential. The testimonial videos can be up to 30 seconds and this is a powerful strategy to admire more audiences on Instagram.


Run Giveaways


The best way to enhance your engagement on Instagram is by encouraging your viewers and audiences. Conduct the contest to build brand awareness and trigger audiences to purchase your products. Check whether the giveaway is related to your conditions like they need to follow your account, sharing photos to you to upload on your profile to participate in the contests, etc. Ask your participants to share about the giveaways by posting stories and feed posts to grab more traffic. Offer some prizes or gifts to the participants of your contests or giveaways to encourage them.


Offer Videos


Create content by explaining about your current offers on your products. While you provide exclusive offers on your products people will take interest in buying your products. This will gain more traffic because people will frequently stay connected with you to know the next offers. Upload stories and start a live stream to show and explain the product with offers and the price of them. Add a cover photo or template on those videos to grab attention from the audiences to attract them. Providing some offers on your product will increase the sales of your business.




Instagram is the perfect place if you’re aiming to develop your sales and business. If you’re creating content similar to others it will not help you to increase engagement and sales. So, follow the above-mentioned valuable post ideas to get huge traffic and interactions to grow your business online.