The Latest News in Pakistan about About Politics

In the latest news in Pakistan about Imran Khan, Imran khan says that if the army chief of choice does not come, they will blacken everyone’s face. This is the conversation of Vice President PML-N Maryam Nawaz with the media
Latest News in Pakistan, on September 2022, Maryam Nawaz, the leader of Pakistan Muslim League-N while talking to the media in Islamabad, said that the principle of nature is that the truth comes out. There is trust in Allah and an expectation of justice. Maryam Nawaz added that some things were very clear in Chakwal Jalisa. When the decision will be made, I will say all the things that have not been said yet.
He asked why Imran Khan does not name those whom he is holding responsible. The one who was making calls yesterday is saying today that my members are receiving calls, if there is evidence of the calls, bring them forward. We also received calls and threats.
Attacking Institutions
Attacking the institutions, going towards anarchy to appoint a favorite is the action of a democratic person? Imran Khan’s method is to clear his way by intimidation. Imran Khan does not like to go through the pain of listening to his speech. Imran Khan says that if the army chief of his choice does not come, I will blacken everyone’s face. However, there are officers among them who have given their whole lives to reach this position.
Talking About Development of Pakistan
Those who have pets do not consider their pets but just want to get their work out of them. Imran Khan does not have the courage to take the name of Mr. XY. Why are the courts not seeing that Imran Khan openly challenges the institutions? He who holds secret meetings will be disgraced everywhere. Maryam Nawaz said that we also did long marches, I am a supporter of democracy. Apart from Imran Khan, we should talk about the development of Pakistan.
Imran Khan’s revolution did not come out of the fear of God. Imran Khan tells people to break the idol of fear, you are afraid to name yourself. It is necessary to expose the true nature of Bahru pay. Imran Khan is guilty of inflation. Maryam Nawaz said regarding the change of the Punjab government that the sooner the Punjab government ends, the better.
Sindh High Court, on the appeal of the accused, the death sentence was changed to life imprisonment
In the case related to the killing of his wife in the name of honor, the court changed the appeal of the accused against the death sentence to life imprisonment. According to the details, the name of honor is in the Sindh High Court. The case related to the murder of his wife was heard. The court gave a verdict on the appeal of the accused Ghulam Rasool against the death sentence and changed the death sentence to life imprisonment.
The court said that the accused will also pay a fine of Rs. Had a second marriage with Ghulam Rasool 8 months ago. On December 2018, my nephew told me that people were gathering outside my mother’s house.
According to the plaintiff’s case, when he went to the house, Mumtaz’s body was lying on the bed, his legs were tied, and there were signs of strangulation. The accused confessed to the crime. Musallam Ghulam Rasool said that the victim had relations with other men. After going to work, she used to meet other men. The deceased also used to work and used to return home. On the other hand, in the case related to the alleged abduction of a minor girl in the Sindh High Court, the court adjourned the hearing of both petitions till September 27. Unmartial remarked that such requests are made on other benches. If the relevant bench is not available till the next hearing, the application will be heard.
The Audio Tape of Shaukat Tarin and Taimurjhagra has been Scientifically Investigated
Shaukat Tareen will be asked why he was going to sabotage the IMF deal, if Shaukat Tareen does not appear, it will be assumed that he has nothing to defend. Talks by Federal Special Assistant Atta Tarra.
Federal Special Assistant Atta Tarra has said that the scientific investigation of the audio tape of Shaukat Tareen and Taimoor Jagran has been done, Shaukat Tareen will be asked why he was going to sabotage the IMF deal. If Shaukat Tareen does not appear, it will be assumed that he has nothing to defend. Speaking on the Sama News program, he said that Imran Khan was very disappointed yesterday, he knows that important decisions are going to be made in the coming days, and he is creating confusion among the people that any important decision will be taken by PML-N and coalition. If parties cannot do it, Maulana’s insult to the government is completely justified, but the cases made in haste will end like Shahzad Akbar.
Terrorism Provisions
Terrorism provisions have been imposed against Javad Latif and Maryam Aurangzeb, there is a false case against Maryam Nawaz, NAB has no answer, Nawaz Sharif will file an appeal against the case after Maryam Nawaz.
Atta Tatar said that I am informing that FIA has summoned Shaukat Tareen yesterday, if Shaukat Tareen does not appear, it will be considered that he has nothing to say in defense, Shaukat Tareen is fully legal. After preparation is called, the audiotape of Shaukat Tareen and Timur Hagar has been scientifically investigated, Shaukat Tareen is called to find out who was going to sabotage the IMF deal.