The Importance of Logo for your Business Branding Efforts

Ask anyone who has ever had anything to do with marketing and advertising, or just about anyone else for that matter who thinks that they know what marketing is all about and they will all tell you the same thing
They will tell you that branding is everything and that the power of the brand is something that you simply cannot buy. To a certain extent, this is definitely true; a brand means a lot and the power of the brand will do a lot for your business, no matter what this business may be.
The Power of the Brand
The brand is not just a name that is associated with a company, or a product or a person. A brand is, and this may sound a bit too 80s, a philosophy that you need to envision, postulate and then develop as time goes by and as you start interacting with the clients or customers. The brand is not something set in stone and as times change, so can your brand. The important thing is that it always retains that contact with the people that matter to you, i.e. people that will, to be perfectly blunt, give you money because of your brand.
Where the logo comes in
Perhaps the most obvious example of how a logo can become the brunt of the brand is Nike and their swoosh logo that could not be any simpler but which has become omnipresent and the only representation of the Nike brand that they need. Of course, the secret behind Nike’s success is not just the swoosh but they have done with their logo everything that anyone could ever want to do with their logo.
The logo is the most present and the most noticeable representation that your business, company or firm could get visually and it can be used in advertisements, billboards, on merchandise; you can have it printed on cars that will go around town, it can be tattooed on someone (if you manage to find that someone). It can become a sign that people will recognize and that they will start associating with the business.
The design of your logo
Designing a logo may seem like something that everyone can do and do successfully, but if this were the case, then no one would pay marketing companies serious money to come up with the logo. The design of the logo is a much more complex process than you would imagine or could imagine.
First of all, it needs to be noticeable in any of the myriad ways, from the intentionally simple to moiré, from basic shapes to abstract, from energetic to honest.
Making sure that people see your logo
There are innumerable ways in which you can ensure that people see your logo, but if you want to be absolutely certain that the most important people from your industry see it and that it becomes engraved in the minds of your potential clients and/or customers, there is nothing better than prominently featuring your logo on exhibition displays during trade shows. You should always see that it is visible at all times and that it has been, if needed, modified for the purposes of filling a larger surface.
However, the brand also needs to represent your company in a certain way. Of course, this does not mean that a plumbing firm can only have a logo in the shape of a monkey wrench or that a basketball store can only have a logo that is in the shape of a basketball. Still, a certain connection has to be felt. You will also want to try and design it in such a way that it prevents it from becoming outdated in a few years.
If you think that you are up to it, you can always try and work on your logo on your own. However, more often than not, people find that spending some money on their logo can make sense financially speaking, especially if they can find someone who can do amazing work.
Sahil Popli is hoping to become a strong online influence in the world of business strategy and finance. You can reach her on @SahilPopli.