The Best Children’s Books That Honor Diversity

The Best Children’s Books That Honor Diversity

The benefit of reading is that it can take you anywhere. Books offer us a view & experience. Give the best children’s books to your kid we may never be aware of. Seeing another person’s perspective can be crucial for cultivating an accepting mindset.

Children’s books are no exception. Not exclusively are diverse children’s books important for children of variety (they offer them visibility, relatability, and vital moments of representation), but they’re essential for all children. In a country as multicultural as ours, it’s crucial to offer children an opportunity to see realities and experiences different from their own.

Reading Barefoot Books with your children that celebrate diversity will assist your little ones with recognizing that what is seen as outwardly different can be a slight variation in the broad spectrum of humanity — and that other is not bad but beautiful. Purchase now & get 30% off using the Barefoot Books Coupon Code & save your extra money.

1. Suki’s Kimono

Suki cherishes the special memories associated with the blue kimono her obachan gave her the summer she came to visit. At the point when she wears it on the first day of school, she has the opportunity to share her summer experiences at a Japanese street festival euphorically. She sings and dances, and her class loves it, reminding us that kids are more curious and accepting than we frequently give them credit.

2. Everyone Matters

Explicitly aimed at preschool and early school-aged children, this exquisite book teaches children that everyone is deserving of politeness and respect, in addition to those people we’ve chosen to be our close friends. It teaches kids in kid-friendly language that having different physical traits from someone they know shouldn’t lead to treatment differences. Bonus: There’s a guide (in big-kid language) for parents on the most proficient method to continue the respectful conversation.

3. Happy In Our Skin

This book celebrates the skin — in its various colors and how it serves the body and keeps us together. It’s a lesson in the beauty and force of the skin, and teaching kids to cherish the skin they’re in will lead them to adore the skin of others, as well as give them confidence when their body makes them feel different (whether that’s because of variety, acne, body type, or ability level).

4. The Boy Who Grew Flowers

If your children struggle to fit in at school for whatever reason, this book is for you. Rick, a school-aged boy, grows flowers all over his body when the moon is complete, and although nobody knows his secret, he doesn’t fit in with his peers. At the point when new girl Angelina shows up with differences of her own, Rick’s empathy towards her creates a great friendship and teaches kids to celebrate our differences — and even the way that our differences can supplement each other and build us up.

5. Same, Same But Different

Kailash, Elliot’s closest friend, resides in India, while Elliot resides in America. They’re friends through correspondence, and as they share their lives and day-to-day events, they see so many similarities (like owning pets and going to school), and they are genuinely curious about and excited by their differences. Maybe this book will inspire your child to have a friend through their own correspondence!

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6. I Am Enough

This beautiful sonnet should just be required reading for everyone. Like the sun, I’m here to shine, our natural-haired protagonist tells readers, comparing herself to nature. She also tells readers that she and WE are finished and sufficient, just as we are. Close this book feeling engaged and knowing your kids are getting the message that all humans are beautiful and valuable.

7. Good People Everywhere

Our reality is scary. There are some evil people out there, and those people easily make it into our newsfeeds and our fears, especially for children who are learning to build schemas of interpreting the world. This book reminds us that there are superb, caring people everywhere we turn — and that striving to be a good person as they grow up is essential. It’s an excellent reminder for us, as well as parents, to search for the good people because they’re always there, regardless of how bad it gets.

8. Julian Is A Mermaid

Julian loves mermaids, and after seeing some ladies dressed fabulously like mermaids, he recreates their style for himself — but what will his Abuela say about his new look and how he views himself? This magnificently illustrated book celebrates uniqueness, the magic of creativity, and the importance of self-love.

9. Pink Is For Boys

As kids develop their worldviews, they learn what things each orientation “can” investigate. This book tells kids at a young age that regardless of their orientation, they’re allowed to explore all kinds of activities and interests — boys can cherish pink, girls can adore trucks, and we’ll all develop into our most authentic selves. Bonus, this brightly illustrated book also teaches small children about colors! Give The Best Children’s Books to your kids. 

10. Everybody Cooks Rice

Like the main character in this book, food is a beautiful way to broaden your child’s taste buds and cultural awareness. He visits various homes and observes that they all include rice in their daily meals. Take a stab at reading this book, and then cook one or two meals with your kids with rice. They’ll learn that Who can appreciate something so simple in myriad ways.