Tag: Cigarettes

Best Cigarettes in Canada

Best Cigarettes in Canada

When it comes to smoking, Canadians have a diverse range of cigarette brands to choose from. But with so many options out there, which ones are truly the best? Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or just starting out, we’ve rounded up the top contenders for 

Tobacco makes you relax and works as a slow poison

Tobacco makes you relax and works as a slow poison

The higher number of passive smokers are affected majorly due to the Tobacco consumption.   Earlier, tobacco was smoked and chewed by numerous people, and when it became a cash crop, a large number of people started cultivating it. Tobacco is one of the major 

My Thoughts on E-shisha (Electronic Shisha, E-Shisha Pens & E-Shisha Sticks)

My Thoughts on E-shisha (Electronic Shisha, E-Shisha Pens & E-Shisha Sticks)

For those who don’t know about e-shisha, it’s similar to electronic cigarettes in many ways and gets its name from the original shisha, which was flavoured tobacco traditionally smoked through a pipe. The smoking of regular shisha began in the Middle East, mainly Pakistan and 

Five Reasons Vapes Are Better Than Cigarettes

Five Reasons Vapes Are Better Than Cigarettes

Smoking gained popularity several decades ago. People smoke cigarettes due to alot of reasons, including nicotine addiction, stress relief, and even to look charming in public. Since vaping was introduced as an alternative to cigarettes, it has taken over smokers and turned them into vapers