Strategy You Have To Follow In Link Building

Let us imagine, you have read hundreds and thousands of articles in the internet about how to make money via a website. You toiled days and weekends about developing a website and gained mastery on the subject. Now a website has been designed. For your international presence. Categories have been arranged in order – home Improvement, technology and relationships.
The search is on how to get the best articles. Since you already have friends with some content writers, you request them to write articles for the website. And they may give it to you at a low cost. Now, you want to make the website rank higher. You search on the internet and come across SEO. Na, since you are a good guy, you are interested only in the white hat techniques. In this article, you gain information about link building, one of the prominent off page SEO techniques.
In this article, details will be given only about link building. There is a lot of information to share, so no information has been given about on page SEO and other off page SEO techniques.
In the corporate world, link building is about making a name through making friendships with famous personalities and peers. In SEO, it is about having your website link in sites which have a higher DA and PA. In short, link building is the practice of getting other websites give a backlink to your own website.
However, getting backlinks is easy. But you have to be cautious. You can also land yourself in a soup. There may be two reasons – The website you have got links has porn videos. Or they indulge in activities banned on the internet. Both of these activities done by websites which give you backlinks can make your online presence rank go down the drain.
Before sending an article to get a link, try to check the DA and PA of the website. If they have the same categories as your website or business, then the better. And do not forget the spam score. The last number in the spam score comes to 17, but actually, it should be below 4.
You worked late nights and made the on-page optimisation come true. So why the link building activity? The reason – you need to respect algorithms put forward by Google. And the search engine always gives importance to the customers who search for information rather than to the owners of millions of websites in the internet. And backlinks? They help the search engines determine the perfect website to choose when a customer searches in terms of keywords. If you get backlinks from worthy websites, then Google gets the signal that your internet presence is a trustworthy store of information. Your online presence automatically goes up the rankings.
There is always one rule – that the business moghuls observe. Never break the rules. If you are found doing black hat SEO and other illegal activities, your website can be delisted forever. You may have to work uphill all over again. For long-term profits, you need to work on building trust and loyal followers.
Organic link building always takes time. And the value of every link differs according to the website. The value you get from a high-quality website is more compared to few links from a less quality website. But yes, you have to dive deep and know some tricks and tips to get the links from high-quality websites. Start with low PA and DA website. If you have passion, it is easy to learn. And yes, always maintain a professional attitude.
Social Bookmarking
You can get the meaning from the words in the title. In short, these websites are best defined as storage places for storing the online bookmarks. You can access the social bookmarking sites from any part of the world. The addition of your website links is also easy. No hassle. In recent times, thousands of businesses have gone on to become a success. No doubt, there are millions of accounts and just forget the links. Nobody can count their number. There was a time, when every Tom, Dick and Harry were part of the social bookmarking sites. The websites were considered a vital part in the link building process. But then, people started taking advantage and they will post a single web page and a link multiple times to the same social marking site. Google had no option but to draw the line. So, now the sheen has long escaped from history.
So, do you have to submit links to social bookmarking sites?
Yes, but it is not unlike the olden times. Every social bookmarking site has put a set of features. For example, in Twitter you cannot post the same webpage in a single day. And in Facebook, you cannot send friend requests to persons of the opposite gender frequently. If you continuously keep sending friend requests, then your account gets blocked. And your profile, it should have perfect information.
In Facebook, there are many groups, and you can even open a fake profile. But the fact, is that the Support section will view and keep a tab on any suspicious activity. If they find uncommon activities, you are shown the door.
Please note that there are many social bookmarking websites, and each one has a different feature. And if you want to do link building, ensure that you keep a separate sheet for your username and passwords. Or else, you will have to type the keyword every time. You have your own personal computer. Then no probs. You do not have to delete the passwords from history. Do you want to do the job easier? Then go for SocialPoster, and
Some of the famous bookmarking sites are (other than –
Directory Submissions
Let us take the example of a case study. Mr A and his family have come to a new place, in other words, they have shifted to the new location. So, for a handyman service in their new home, new place, how do they search? Via the directories, right? Yes, there exists some features in these websites. There will be hundreds of vendors, and one who pays the highest will get the maximum exposure. In business advertising, if you want to advertise the business, then pick the best directory and pay the fees. But ensure you check the fees and conditions. They can be subjected to change, and note down the increase in hike period. When we mention directories, references easily go to –
DMOZ Open Directory Project (Free)
So what is the trick to beat your competitors? Select the topic relevant to the social media platform and then submit your post. Work smart, check the posts that go to high ratings on the platform. Dig up the analytics. You are sure to succeed.
Image Submission
There is a proverb which states, “A image has the ability to convey more than a thousand words.” But yes, you need to think out of the box and creativity to create a viral figure. And always follow the general rules. Do not rib your competitors the wrong way even though having the right best tools on hand.
So, where do you submit the images? To the relevant websites. It helps when a website with higher rating and belonging to your own business category accepts the image and gives a backlink to the website. In the initial stages, make a list of top leaders in your industry and also tools from the internet such as, SEMrush and SimilarWeb.
Video Content
Are you in your 20s? Then instead of reading by books, you concentrate more on watching videos. It goes directly to your subconscious mind. Any content, that attracts the audience can easily go viral. Do you know the greatest advantage about video? It will sell itself. Since many of the websites and platforms have sharing platforms for videos, you can put every effort to make it viral. Also, make the video for one minute. Do not make a tragedy. The content should make the viewer stay longer on your website.
And if you have got the best video, upload in the website. Then put the social media buttons so that a visitor can easily share the videos. Have a video on every category regarding your industry. Then you can easily bring traffic.
Yes, creation of videos is easy. You can even make powerpoint presentations and make it to a video. Then the purpose is easily served. But time? Yes that is a factor needed to create the right content. But refrain from making hate videos about religion, nor make funny videos about politicians. It may backfire at any moment.
Here are the websites to submit videos –
Are you an avid fan of the internet? Then have you seen the infographics which impress you enough to spend three minutes of valuable time? In recent times, it has become the trend to use infographics to not only enhance the knowledge but also to make the visitors stay longer in the website. A good infographic possesses all the right qualities to get you the best backlinks. The requisites you need are –
- Reliable statistical data
- Attractive design
It is not that you create one infographic and go to sleep. In recent times, promotions are more needed for the website.
First, choose the topic that is trending in the industry. Then, research on the infographics suitable to the topic. You should address the problems and then provide a solution in the infographic. If you have taken content from sources, do not forget to add the credits below before sending the content.
Press Releases
If you have a new product, share the information to the world with a press release. It will gain not only your industry stalwarts’ attention, but also to the general public. However, ensure that you provide the perfect content. If you miss the meaning of a word, the business can end in trouble. The rule – never boast nor give false reviews and numbers.
Only half a decade ago, you can post questions on forums and gain valuable backlinks. But now even forums have become intelligent, and they rarely allow links. If they do, it could be only a no-follow link. Before enlisting in a forum, understand as to why the platform has been created. If you get into a forum only to improve rankings, to decipher the result is easy. You can easily get the membership cancelled. You can ask questions regarding your own domain and clear the doubts. You can also answer, but do not put a link to every answer of yours.’ Forum, in short, is created by a group of like minded individuals, who are interested in sharing their knowledge.
Submission of Articles
If you are well versed with English, try this method. If you are not so conversant with English, first opt for the other methods, and then try the submission at the last instant. Oh, Yes! Do not forget to learn English online via the free internet tools. You can definitely get Guest Bloggers who allow your articles to get posted in their website. Acquiring backlinks is easy, but as mentioned above, do not forget to check the DA and PA of their website. Search the internet, and first read the instructions before submitting an article to the editor. It is better to start writing articles concerned with your business. Ensure you use Hemingway app.
Submission in Blogs
If you know article submission, then this method is easy for you. However, you have one advantage. You do not have to concentrate on grammar and other funda. A blog is more of a biographical account of a certain situation and assumption. Yes, other than a professional attitude, show friendship and you can do wonders.
Blog Comments
Only a decade ago, many websites/blog gave the gift to their viewers to offer comments. For a reason. To their own benefit. By the reviews, new content gets added. So, the search spider of Google can deduce new content and think that the website gets updated. But being the smart Alec Google is, when the algorithms changed, this practice fell flat. There were also some guys who used to put a comment and a link to their website. And the ground became very muddy. Now, many websites delete the linking option. If you are lucky, you can get only a do follow link.
Have you heard about the yahoo platform in Google? If you are a movie buff, and want to search information on a new film, you can search via this platform. Other websites are Quora, StackExchange and Fluther. The more worthy questions, you post, you can get the best answers. And more number of views.
PDF files – Document Submission
A novice to SEO will rarely know this method. Uploading the document is easy. The link will be accessible to all the articles and blog owners. If a visitors goes to the sharing website and gets interested in the information, then he/she can also view your website. This particular practice has the ability to enhance the page rankings.
Document Submission – PDF files
If you are a novice to SEO, then this method will be new. You upload the document on the sharing website, and it will be accessible to all the visitors similar to articles and blogs. In case a visitor to the submitted site takes interest in the document, then he can visit your website. This practice can boost the Page Rankings of a website.
Business Listing
If you have a business in any part of the world, other than making an international presence, it is mandatory to have the name on local listing websites. If you are in Bangalore, for your local clients, the name should be on,, etc. And for your advantage, most of the local listing websites come free.
We hope that you have got the best tips of link building in off-page SEO. There are also other types of off-Page SEO, but link building is where you interact more with the others. Following the instructions in this article can give your website a good ranking and build loyalty and trust in the eyes of visitors.
Let us take a case study for example. Your friend is in the home services business where he provides the best top handyman professionals to the customer’s doorstep. Going by the services, he provides top qualified professionals for AC Repair service Center in Pune, Water purifier maintenance and washing machine service repair in Pune.
His father was a pioneer in this category, and being an MBA, he took the business forward. He has a loyal customer base. To popularize in areas other than Pune, he got a website. Gave it the best design as per the trend. A customer in Pune can book the services via the website at his/her own convenience. For any of the electronic devices mentioned above. Before the concerned day, the customer will get a call to confirm the booking and to know the status of affairs. On a particular day, the qualified technician will go to the customer’s house and restore the appliance to normal.
Easy, Isn’t it? The customer does not have to call for professionals from referrals nor check-in established websites.