Spirit of Education Everywhere

The human race has come a long way from being cave dwellers to sending cars to space. We covered this distance with the help of learning and adapting to new and better things. Knowledge is the thing that kept our forefathers going, and they made efforts towards a better tomorrow for our better future. Without learning about the basic things in this world, we wouldn’t be here today, and I would not be writing this literary piece on a laptop in a brightly lit room.
All this learning and knowing about things is where education comes in. If we look at the literal meaning of education, it is “an enlightening experience.” What is so special about education that it enlightens people?
Education is a continuous learning process; one can never claim that they know everything because the world is greater than our expectations, and this universe is beyond our understanding. All we can do is take pieces of information one at a time and learn enough to make effective and important decisions.
If we compare ourselves to how humans used to be and how they lived their lives, we will notice how they figured out everything on their own, and we have Alexa and Siri at the palm of our hands to solve our problems. Were they smarter, or are we?
There is frankly no logical answer to this; some might argue that we are smarter because we built all these things from our knowledge and we deserve to live an easy life, but some might put a counter-argument stating that we are only here because of how people in the past made decisions.
All in all, now it doesn’t really matter who is better or smarter; the thing that matters is how we can keep being smart and build a better world for our future generations to give them a platform of being even smarter. The answer to this question is only one. Education!
Education makes us a better and more productive citizen by adhering to laws and regulations and instilling in us some sense of responsibility. Education provides the confidence and belief in us that enables us to get out of our comfort zone and do more stuff.
People have now understood the importance of education, and they have recognized the value of educating oneself as a means for advancing society and making the world a safe haven and e better place for our kids.
To emphasize the good education can bring to this world. Cheap essay writing service UK has come up with a list of how the spirit of education stays alive and how it brings the best out of our society.
Education Helps us Grow
Education doesn’t only help the individuals in growing and understanding their true identity; it also helps a society grow and eventually a country. Our countries are comprised of smaller sections known as societies, and when each society is contributing to the betterment of the world, it can very quickly transform things.
When an individual feels like they are intellectually growing, they tend to make wiser decisions which indirectly or directly affect the world. Growing is a process that never stops, and so to keep the spirit of education alive, one should respect the knowledge and try to get their hands on better educational opportunities.
Allows us to Stand Up for Right
Education opens our senses and gives us the ability to question ourselves, our beliefs, and every other thing. The chances for an educated person to get scammed are way less than a person who is not very well educated.
This happens because a person has no knowledge or doesn’t understand the difference between right and wrong. This is not just limited to scams; knowing when to raise your voice and stand up for the right thing is also something education ensures.
With education, you will get a relevant understanding of things, and you might help someone by raising your voice for them.
Education and Spreading Awareness Go Hand in Hand
One of the biggest problems of this society is blind faith and belief in superstitions. Both of these things affect society, and education is the key to spreading awareness about these issues.
Other than that, you can spread awareness about a cause you solely believe in will bring good for society. When you are educated, you have the right words and the right emotions to provoke people and make them realize if there is something going wrong.
Education Empowers You
Education aids in the transformation of insecurities into power. Education provides us the courage to advocate for ourselves. It enhances our judgment skills, makes us more responsive, and provides us with access to social media.
Many studies have shown that in societies where women face gender discrimination, education helps them fight back against marital abuse, improves their decision-making skills, and empowers them to take care of their own lives as well as help other people.
Builds a Better Economy
Since people with the relevant education and required skills work better and more efficiently than people who lack education and skill, education does have a huge part in establishing a healthy economy.
Highly-educated and well-trained workers will carry out tasks and perform activities using their ability to think critically, and their outcomes will be more fruitful for the country. So, a country’s economy becomes much more prosperous as the percentage of educated and qualified workers improves.