Social Media Storytelling: How to Do it the Right Way?

Social media has become a huge content hub. It is a copy of other people’s work, pushing down the same information.

There is a way to make your content stand out and be unique. This storytelling approach will etch your brand’s name in the minds of your audience.

Storytelling is one the most engaging ways to communicate information and messages. You can be a great storyteller if you create stories that keep people interested and engaged. This can be used on social media to turn your online audience into your most loyal followers.

This blog will focus on social media storytelling and how to tap into this.


Let the fun begin!

What is storytelling?

You are likely to be a book lover and will continue looking for new books. You must choose one or more favorite authors so that you can buy all their books and not hesitate to read them.

These authors have a better chance of engaging your attention and generating interactions than the rest. They tell great stories.

How can we define storytelling? What is storytelling? Is it telling a story through a thousand pages?

This is just one side. Understanding stories lies in the fact they transcend literary pieces.

Stories are not limited to books. They are an universal language that anyone can understand and use. They are found in all forms of communication, including written papers and blog posts.

Storytelling is about creating connections between people.

Here are our definitions of “storytelling”.

Storytelling refers to using narratives and facts to convey messages to an audience. Stories can be told through words and actions, embellished with theatrics or embellishment, as well as improvisation.

It stimulates the listener’s active imagination by allowing for a two-way interaction between the storyteller and one or several listeners.

One thing unites all types of storytelling is the ability to allow listeners to visualise vivid, sensory elements of the story using the storyteller’s performance as well as their own understandings and experiences.


What is social media storytelling?

Stories can take many forms, beyond those you see in movies or books. People are now creating stories through social media networks.

A status is posted on Facebook by someone about how they became successful marketers. A YouTube vlog shows the story of a composer who shares the story behind her latest song. These are both storytelling. They are social media storytelling.

Social media storytelling refers to the use of social media platforms to tell stories about products and brands to engage your audience.

You shouldn’t think that storytelling on social media can only be used to sell products and services. It allows you to show your brand to your followers and tell them about it.

Stories with specific characteristics are often read. These include a beginning, middle and end.

They often convey some kind of moral lesson, thought, belief, or philosophy about the world, and humanity. Social media marketing is no exception to the rule of storytelling.

Stories that are told to sell products or services will often be pushy sales pitches and promotional messages. These are boring tricks that don’t connect with the audience. They don’t leave a lasting impression.

Google’s #StayHomeSaveLives campaign is a stunning example of storytelling. This hashtag was used by most people to encourage them to stay at home while fighting the pandemic. This was not a Google-exclusive campaign.

The search engine was able to combine the top searches of this difficult time into an inspiring and heartwarming story on social media.

It shows the generosity of people all over the globe to support healthcare workers. To limit the spread of Coronavirus, it encourages people not to be in quarantine and to maintain social distancing.

Read More: Social Media Trends 

What is the importance of social media storytelling?

One of the most important forms of communication is to connect with others. Good storytelling is key to this. You two will be in sync if you are telling a story together and the other person is involved in it.

Storytelling is the trigger for communication and it’s why storytelling is so powerful.

Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool because of its psychological superpowers.

  • Emotion: It’s when you hear a story that you feel an emotional connection. This is not just a theory, but a fascinating neuroscientific fact. Your brain activates and becomes more engaged when you hear a story. It creates emotional connections that are deeper than facts and builds personal connections.
  • Action: Stories can have a profound impact on our behavior. They are able to evoke emotion and connection that is hard to resist. Paul Zak, a neuro-economist, proved this fact with a series of experiments. A video of an ill boy was shown to have higher levels in oxytocin, which made people more likely to donate money to strangers.
  • Value: Stories can elicit emotions, sympathy and action. Stories have an important influence on how we perceive the value of things. Inventive stories can give brands more subjective value.
  • Memory: Storytelling is a part of our culture and is engraved in our memories. It helps us remember things better and lasts longer. This is known as the “The Story Method” method of memorization.

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How can you tell stories on social media platforms

Stories are a way to create brands’ personalities and connect with customers. Storytelling seems to be a key component.

How can we tell great stories on social Media which are the largest playground for trendpotters? Is it possible for storytellers on social media to succeed despite the limitations of certain channels and posts?

Don’t panic!

These are some of the best ways to tell stories on the most popular social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Facebook storytelling

Facebook allows you to write a detailed story, as Facebook doesn’t restrict the words allowed in a post. It’s better not to summarize or only mention key points.

This works great if you are looking to inspire people with amazing stories, rather than promote a product or drive traffic to another website.

The Humans of New York Facebook Page is a great example of Facebook storytelling. Although their posts are lengthy and require users to click “See More”, they receive significant engagement.

Instagram storytelling

Make your Instagram profile visually engaging and tell an inspiring story.

To ensure your composition is accurate and on the point, you can refer to the infamous ‘Rule of Thirds. To create a complete composition, you can use 3, 6, or 9 separate images or videos.

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Storytelling can be described as an art form. It is more than a piece paper that has a beginning, middle and an end. You have many creative options to tell unforgettable stories.

Use the stories option on social media to share glimpses of your daily life. You can share videos from your customers telling their stories, and show how your brand has changed the game.

Live sessions are possible. You can also partner with people from your industry to share personal stories and get inspiration. Many brands have started weekly podcasts in order to connect with story lovers.

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