Shoulder Replacement Surgery: Before and After

Shoulder Replacement Surgery: Before and After

With the increase in the number of people living longer, there is also an increase in the number of older adults who experience joint pain. The resulting stiffness and other symptoms can lead to reduced mobility and even a loss of independence. For this reason, a Modesto shoulder doctor is seeing more and more people turning to shoulder replacement surgery as a method to treat persistent joint problems in that area. Shoulder replacement surgery involves replacing the damaged upper-extremity joint with artificial parts. This will result in a stronger, higher functioning shoulder; one that is better able to withstand stress, support weight, and perform normal tasks independently again. However, shoulder replacement surgery is not without its risks or complications. Before you make any final decisions about your candidacy for this procedure or another option such as arthroscopic knee surgery, it’s important that you understand what to expect both before and after shoulder replacement surgery.


Shoulder Replacement Surgery: What is it?


Shoulder replacement surgery is an operation that replaces a damaged shoulder joint with an artificial joint. This surgery is often used when a patient’s shoulder joint is worn out and causes severe pain and limited mobility. There are many types of shoulder replacement surgery, and it is important to discuss the particular procedure with your surgeon to determine which one is the best option for you. Most shoulder replacements are done using arthroscopic techniques. The artificial shoulder joint is inserted through a small incision in the armpit or the side of the stomach, and the damaged joint is removed through the incision.


Shoulder Replacement Surgery Risks


Like any surgery, shoulder replacement surgery comes with certain risks. However, there are ways to reduce the risks. Prior to undergoing shoulder replacement surgery, it is important to inform your surgeon about your medical history, the medications you take, and any other circumstances that might increase your risk for complications. The surgeon will then discuss the risks with you and decide whether it is worth taking those risks for the chance of pain relief and increased mobility. There are certain things that you should avoid to reduce the risk of complications. For example, if you have a preexisting inflammatory condition like arthritis or gout, you should avoid shoulder replacement surgery. Similarly, patients with a history of infections, inflammatory conditions, malignancies, or other diseases that involve the shoulder joints should be careful about getting this surgery.


Shoulder replacement surgery benefits


  • Better Dislocation Support – Shoulder replacement surgery provides a stronger, more reliable shoulder that has greater support for the head and upper body. This can help to prevent injuries like concussions and dislocations.


  • Pain Reduction – Shoulder replacement surgery can help to reduce pain caused by arthritis and other conditions. There are many different types of implants that surgeons can use, which allow them to adjust the amount of pain relief that is provided based on what your specific needs are.


  • Greater Mobility – Shoulder replacement surgery can improve your range of motion and help you get back to daily tasks like brushing your teeth, doing chores, and gripping objects again. Reduced pain and increased mobility are two significant benefits of this surgery.


  • Long-Term Joint Health – Shoulder replacement surgery can help to reduce the risk of developing future diseases and conditions that affect the joints like osteoarthritis. The implants used in this type of surgery can help to prevent the wear and tear on the joint that causes arthritis later in life.


Why Shoulder Replacement Surgery?


There are many different factors that can contribute to the need for shoulder replacement surgery. Sometimes, the joint surfaces become damaged from years of overuse and arthritis. Other times, the cartilage or the ligaments that support the joint become worn out and cause shoulder pain. No matter what the cause of your shoulder pain is, shoulder replacement surgery can be an effective treatment option. With this procedure, doctors will remove the damaged joint and replace it with a more modern and advanced joint. As with any surgery, there are certain risks involved and certain benefits that are specific to this procedure.


One of the most common reasons for undergoing shoulder replacement surgery is advanced arthritis. Patients who have experienced severe, chronic pain for years may have widespread arthritis, which involves multiple joints. Shoulder replacement surgery can help to relieve the pain and improve the range of motion in this type of condition. It’s also common to undergo shoulder replacement surgery if you’ve recently sustained a serious injury to your shoulder such as a dislocated or broken shoulder. If you simply want to treat joint pain, you may also consider shoulder replacement surgery.


Shoulder replacement surgery before and after Preparations


As with all surgeries, it’s important to discuss the details of shoulder replacement surgery with your surgeon in order to determine if this procedure is the best choice for you. Before the surgery, the doctor will do several tests to determine whether the joint is worn out and needs to be replaced or if it is simply injured. From there, shoulder replacement surgery will involve making a small incision in the armpit or side of the stomach, inserting a camera, and removing the joint with an arthroscope. The joint will then be replaced with an artificial joint. Depending on the type of shoulder replacement surgery that you undergo, you may be able to resume normal activities such as driving and working within a few weeks. However, if you sustain a severe injury, you should seek medical care immediately and schedule shoulder replacement surgery as a precaution.


Final Words


Shoulder replacement surgery is a transformative procedure for people who have been dealing with severe joint pain for years. The procedure can help to reduce pain, increase mobility, and improve joint health. However, it is important to note that this procedure comes with several risks and complications. Medical experts recommend that everyone undergo a thorough risk assessment before undergoing shoulder replacement surgery. This will allow you to better understand the potential risks and benefits of this procedure. From there, you can make an informed decision about whether shoulder replacement surgery is right for you.