SEO Essential Optimization Techniques and Conducting Keyword Research

SEO Essential Optimization Techniques and Conducting Keyword Research

A big portion of SEO is choosing the right keywords to organize your site around. Keyword research will help you understand what people are searching for, and you can use this information to build your content, or even steer your business in a different direction. To get an initial list of keywords, we’ll start by thinking about our target audience. Let’s put ourselves in their shoes and visualize them sitting in front of their computer. What are they thinking? What are they looking for? We want to arrive at what words they might enter into Google. And this list will be your starting point and we’ll work from there.


Let’s say for example we’re selling carpet cleaning services We have two strategies. First, we want to ring for terms related to our local office, so carpet cleaning Santa Barbara or carpet cleaners Santa Barbara. We also might want to write articles on topics that are most interesting to people. Say, removing stains from carpet or furniture. And to really know what to focus on, we should explore the popularity of these terms. If I knew that 10,000 people were searching for steam carpet cleaning Santa Barbara and only 1,000 were searching for carpet cleaning Santa Barbara, I would definitely spend my effort writing content around steam cleaning.


Digital Marketing Strategy

Your website is an important piece of your digital marketing strategy. It may serve as a gateway to gather information or the actual destination where a sale takes place. It’s an opportunity for a visitor to discover what makes your brand unique, to find the information they’re looking for, and to guide them in their decision to buy. You may have all sorts of marketing campaigns running, ads on Google, posts on Facebook, blog articles, all of it is bringing in new customers that eventually end up on your website. All of that attention on your website makes it one of the most valuable pieces of digital real estate that you own.


The better you’re marketing, the more visibility your website has. Online consumers of today are fickle, and that’s because digital interactions are so commonplace, so users are spoiled by companies that are doing it well They’re used to things just working, and they expect that the information they want will be available and accurate. When it’s not, they’re disappointed, and credibility is lost for whatever brand they’re interacting with. The truth is, if your website isn’t good, you’re going to fall further and further behind as the landscape evolves. And if your website doesn’t work on mobile, you’re already behind.


Chances are, there’s a competitor with a better online experience and your customers will seek them out if they’re fumbling with yours. So let’s talk about how to make sure your experience is good enough. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it just has to be successful. An effective website is simple, well thought out and highly functional. It should be intuitive and eliminate any and all barriers, so your visitor can accomplish their goals effortlessly. In our marketing strategy, we’re aiming for shared value. It’s the same with your website. Your business goals and the needs of your target market should overlap.


The next question is, does it load properly in all modern web browsers? If your site looks one way on Safari for Mac, and another way on Chrome for PC, you’re not really controlling the experience. Test it out on all of the modern browsers. I recommend as a way to quickly test your site across platforms. Does it answer all the questions my users have or may have? Now a good practice is to write down things your customers ask for via phone, email, or even in your place of business. You can check to see if those answers are easily found on your website, and if they’re not, then you should put that information online.

BrandingNext, is the site reflective of my brand? Within the first couple of seconds, a user is going to decide how the site feels to them. You need to make sure your brand is carried through. Luxury brands need to feel elegant, whereas discount sites can focus more on the current sales. Make sure your logo, tagline and the color scheme all reflect your brand. You definitely want things to be consistent. Is it up to date? Nothing is worse than information that’s out of date. It creates concern with users, so be sure to keep information current. If you have a blog, you should be using it weekly.


Finally, one of the best criteria for your site, is how does it compare to your competitor? Are you proud or jealous? If you’re jealous, it’s probably time to seriously consider whether or not you need to patch up your website. Leverage your relationships with existing customers and colleagues as a way to get feedback on your site. Ask them what they like, what they don’t like, and for any ideas. As you go about creating an effective website, I also recommend hearing from someone outside your circle. Check out For no charge, they’ll have a real person spend five minutes on your site, and give you honest and unbiased feedback.


As I said earlier, your website is possibly the most valuable piece of your digital marketing strategy. Take your time and conduct an honest evaluation.


David Hernandez Recinas CEO / 33programmers / Mexico