Send Files To Your Mother And Other People Too

Send Files To Your Mother And Other People Too



If you have the bandwidth to do so, you should consider uploading larger files to cloud storage providers (free or paid) and then offer them for free via an affiliate link. Some of these are actually pretty decent.


As always, your research will be your best guide — and if you’re not sure what size file to upload, check out some of the links on this page.


  1. The Benefits of Sending Files to Your Mother


I’m sure you’ve heard it before: “You should send files to your mother and other people too. Send files larger than 2gb for free!” It’s a myth that you need to pay for a file download service to send large files. After all, what good is it for you to send an image of the moon if you can only download it in 2mb chunks?


Well, check out the following links:


The reason these sites exist is because more people want to send files than actually need to upload them (which means they are not converging on the solution). These sites are effectively money-making services that offer their users convenience, while charging them nothing (plus they have no intention of actually competing with one another). Even though they don’t charge anything, the fact that there are hundreds of people actively using them (to do things like sending large files) indicates that there is a demand for such services and these sites simply exist to make money off of it. At best, these sites are just trying to be convenient (but many charge much more than standard file-sharing services do), but at worst they may be charging exorbitant amounts of money and/or doing illegal things with your data!


This has become much more prevalent in the past few years as new browser addons like “Send Files” have started cropping up on both desktop and mobile browsers, making it easy for even novice users to help spread the word about file-sharing services by just hitting a button on their browsers and clicking “send a file now!” The truth is that most people don’t really need or want this service — but it does provide an additional convenience that might be useful for some people (additional convenience is nice). If you are going to get into this business, take advantage of this opportunity now — especially if your competitors aren’t taking advantage of it either!


  1. The Benefits of Sending Files to Other People


I like to keep my free file upload service on my blog. It’s simple, it’s free, and it gets me links.


But the site isn’t all about file uploading services. I also use it to post a daily list of my favorite tech-related links and issues, which is then shared via Twitter and Facebook.


I like to leave a lot of space between each of these links (so that people can see them all at once), but I don’t want to break the flow by putting all of these links in another post, so I make it easy for people to send me files that are bigger than 2GB in size.


That link makes no sense whatsoever, but since there are no spaces between the words on that page little or none at all (the link has no instructions on how to click on it) most browsers will read the entire content without any trouble at all:


The browser knows this page is going to be a link, so when you send something larger than 2GB it doesn’t have (and can never have) any instructions on how to click anything other than an obvious: “click here!” If you want things like “go home!” or “go away!” then you need some kind of instructions so that the browser knows how to do so and not just open up whatever file you sent as an instruction card asking what else should be sent along with your file (which makes absolutely no sense anyway).


Anyway… lately I’ve been getting more mail from people who are sending me files over 200MB in size! They would rather send me their files by email.




I’ve been using Dropbox for several years. I’ve been using it to send files to my mother and other people too. I use it on a daily basis. It is convenient, easy, but also great.