Detailed Guide to turn on Samsung Smart TV Without Remote

Detailed Guide to turn on Samsung Smart TV Without Remote

Samsung Smart TV: Samsung is one of the top-rated brands in the field of electronics. It is famous for producing new generation smartphones with the latest updates and in addition to it.

Samsung is also manufacturing smart televisions. These Samsung smart televisions work based on the android operating system.

Apart from this, the Samsung smart television comes with outstanding features at a much cheaper price. When compared to other television brands in the electronics market with the same specifications.

Every Samsung smart television comes with its own remote control to operate the television. Further, you might face some problematic situations with your Samsung television remote control.

For instance, your Samsung smart tv remote control might be broken or lost and you might feel helpless to find ways to operate your smart tv. This article here mainly focuses on guiding the Samsung smart television users to control their smart tv without the remote control.

Techniques to control your Samsung smart television without a remote

Your Samsung smart television can be controlled without the original remote provided by the manufacturer by the following techniques discussed below in this article. 

  1. By using control buttons present on your Samsung smart television. 
  2. By using a USB keyboard. 
  3. By using a wireless keyboard. 
  4. By using a remote application. 

Let us discuss each of the above-mentioned techniques in detail further in this article below. 

Control the Samsung smart TV by using the control buttons present on it

You can control the Samsung smart television in the absence of the original television remote control. But along with the television by using the control buttons present on it.

These control buttons are generally located at the sides of your smart television or at the backside of your television. Locate these control buttons on your Samsung smart television.

You will find six control buttons which include volume increase and decrease buttons, channel switching buttons, menu button, and ok button.

Using these control buttons, you can control your Samsung smart tv to stream your favourite content without having the need to worry about your lost or damaged original remote control. 

Control the Samsung smart TV by using a USB keyboard

Nowadays, all the Samsung smart televisions are produced with USB ports on them. These USB ports are primarily located on either the sides or at the backside of your Samsung smart television.

Generally, it comes with two USB ports. To operate your Samsung smart television without its original remote control. You just have to connect your USB keyboard to any of your Samsung smart tv’s USB ports to control it and stream your favourite contents on it.

Here the USB keyboard performs the operations of the remote controller. 

Control the Samsung smart tv by using a wireless keyboard 

To control your Samsung smart television, you can use the wireless keyboard to control it.

The wireless keyboard generally comes with a dongle that works by using Bluetooth. All you have to do is to connect the Bluetooth dongle to any of your Samsung smart television’s USB ports.

By doing this you instantly establish a connection between the Samsung smart television and your USB keyboard. Now you can use your USB keyboard keys to control your Samsung smart television successfully. 

Control the Samsung smart TV by using a remote application 

You can control the Samsung smart television by using the remote applications available online.

In recent times there are many online applications that are specially designed in such a way that they can control any smart TV just by installing the remote application on their smartphone (Android/ iOS).

Here the Smartphone (Android/ iOS) acts as the television remote. It works based on Infra-Red features to control the smart television. The Samsung smart television also has its own remote application called the SmartThings app that is developed by its manufacturer.

You can either use this application or else you can use any of the universal remote controlling applications such as AnyMote, SURE app, and many more that are available online.

Generally, these remote applications can be downloaded from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and installed on your smartphone to control your Samsung smart tv.

Once the installation is complete you must open the app and pair it with your Samsung smart tv to control it. 

Note: Ensure that your smartphone (Android/ iOS) and your Samsung smart television are connected to the same internet connection as your home network.

Wrapping up

Thus, this article provides solutions to the Samsung smart television users to successfully control their smart television without a remote control using various techniques discussed above.