Safest Cities For Indian Women To Live In India

The number of crimes against women has gone up. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of crimes against women. So it becomes very important, especially for girls and women to know which city is safe and secure for them. The best cities in India for women will be those where they can feel they can go to college, work, or do daily activities without being harassed. As the times have changed the number of girls or women going out for studying or going out for a job has drastically increased. A lot of cities are making sure that women feel protected and safe. Changes are being made but this will happen gradually. As women play multiple roles of taking care of the family, working professional and making a gradual change in society about them.
The government is making every effort to be gender bias and policies are being made for the uplift of women. Here is a list of cities that are considered a heaven for Indian women.
Below Is A List Three Best Cities
The 3 best and safest cities for women in India are
1 Mumbai
Mumbai has been termed as the safest city for Indian women. One of the most developed and excellent infrastructures to support it. It is a commercial city where a lot of finance companies have their head office. Both stock exchanges are located in Mumbai. Proximity to schools, colleges, office is very good in this city. Transportation availability is very good with a lot of options at their hands. Big colleges and institutions are present in the city. Everything which is need for urban women to live peacefully is available here. This city never sleeps so the nightlife is very glamorous here. Everything is open till late at night. The safety of women is not all compromised.
2 Bangalore
Once a garden city which has now an IT hub. A lot of people have migrated to this city in search of bread and butter and studies. The number of migrant people has gone up drastically in the city. The literacy percentage is very good here so it has a very rich heritage of art and culture. The variety of food available here is exemplary. The hospitality quotient of this place is very good. People are very warm and nice in nature. Making it one of the best places for women to live in this part of the world. Rental rates have climbed up steeply here, which needs to be taken care of. Pub culture has crept up in the city and has now become its integral part. Nightlife is very happening here.
3 Pune
Sometimes back this was called pensioners paradise and was a quiet place. Also, know as the educational hub. But with the advent of the industrial revolution in the nearby areas. Everything has changed a sleepy and aid-back city has got up and is running. It has a good infrastructure to support its development. Due to which it has become a paradise in the eyes of the investor. The city is surrounded by good and beautiful places which are loaded with natural resources and wildlife. Pune has been the cultural capital for Maharashtra. With so many diversities at hand, many young girls seem desperate to live in such a wonderful city.
Property rates are within permissible limits making it a desired destination for many couples.
Other Cities In India Safe for Women
There some more cities which have been judged as safe cities for the woman in India and they are:
- Chandigarh
- Ahmedabad
- Indore
- Kolkata
- Chennai
- Hyderabad
- Jaipur
- Surat
One common thing among this place is that all the places are well developed and their literacy rate is high. Also, however steps government takes it is the social responsibility of educating boys is done in such a way that they respect women. Northern Eastern states are the safest heaven for women in India. Sikkim, Manipur, Mizoram, Kerala, and Goa have good work for women’s safety. Gender a biased environment is not only available in schools, colleges but in the corporate offices too. Make women more aware of the law of the land which would help them to raise their concerns in a timely manner. The above-mentioned places are good choices for all the ages of women so pack your backs and choose the right city to live in.