Proper Steps in Dealing with Bees at Home

Bees are essential for humans and nature to survive. However, keeping bees inside your house can be a bit much, especially if you have a family member who is allergic to bees! You might think that killing them with pesticides is the answer, but you could not be more wrong. Depending on which state you live in, destroying bee hives is illegal. Why would you destroy beehives when relocating them is the better option? You can contact bee removal companies for help such as bee removal in Loganville. Here are some instructions for dealing with bees at home if you’re looking for a natural remedy.

 1. Placing a tarp around the beehive

One good thing to do is place a tarp over or around the beehive. Which will cause them to leave that hive and look for another home. This is a great way to get rid of your bee problem without causing harm to the bees.  You can do this by waiting until it is dark outside. Wear clothes with darker shades if you have them in order to attract little attention. You also need at least two people to get the job done, place a tarp around the hive and make sure that it stays there. The risk of this is angering the bees. It is also a good idea to put something over your head but make sure that you can still see around you.

2. Water your lawn frequently to prevent ground-dwelling bees.

This works only for bees that dwell in the ground. Ground-dwelling bees can be driven away by simply watering your lawn this will make them look for another place to live. These bees prefer dry places when breeding. This will help you mitigate your bee problem as well as prevent new ones from coming and making the colony bigger. You can do this by watering your lawn on a regular basis and paying attention to where the ground dries faster in order to water that side more frequently.

3.  Create fake nests to keep bees away

Bees are naturally territorial creatures. Having a fake nest set up in your home can make the bees believe that another colony is already residing in your home. Misdirection at its finest, all jokes aside this method can make your bee problem go away before it happens. The best time to put up your fake nests is the time before spring, that is when bees start to move in. It will also help if you set up multiple fake nests in multiple places in your house. You can buy fake nests online or you can make a homemade one using recyclable items.

4. Avoid wearing that resembles a flower or using flower-scented perfumes.

Bees have a natural attraction to flowers, their scent, or even their colors. If you plan to go outside and you happen to wear perfume or a shirt that in any way has an association with a flower chances are bees will follow you home. If they like your home there is a more likely chance that they will move their hive into your home. In order to prevent this you can make sure that when going outside you must not wear clothes with very bright colors, colors like yellow, pink, and red will most likely make the bees mistake you for a flower. Wearing flower-scented cologne or perfumes is also not encouraged. You can also apply bee repellents which are harmless to the bees.

5. Planting non-flowering plants

If you own a garden in your home bees will definitely visit your garden. Planting non-flowering plants is a good way to repel bees from coming to your home. There are certain non-flowering plants that have a menthol scent that bees seem to dislike. These plants like Artemisia or wormwood prevent bees from swarming into your beautiful garden or even making a colony anywhere near it. You can plant these around your house or near your garden so that it would not get in the way of the aesthetics of your garden.

6.  Putting pieces of garlic around the house

Garlic gives off a strong smell that bees happen to dislike. Placing crushed garlic anywhere around your house or in your garden will make bees turn away. Garlic is a good natural repellent and is completely harmless to bees. You can peel and crush one whole garlic and spread it around places that bees will likely go to. You can also make a garlic-based homemade spray and spray certain places of your house or the bees directly. This will not cause any harm to the bees, only discomfort and it is enough to make them go away. A good way of guaranteeing bees to stay away from you especially if you are allergic to them is putting garlic in your body.

7.  Placing a smoke underneath the beehive

Just like garlic, bees are not able to stand the smell of smoke. They dislike its smell and if you happen to place it underneath their hive they will up and leave your home. You can do this by lighting up a coconut husk or anything that can release an amount of smoke. Place it underneath the hive and wait till the bees voluntarily leave your home.

8.  Ask the help of a bee removal company

When the bee problem is proven too much to handle you can always call for a bee removal expert. They will make sure that the bees residing in your home will go away and also they will make sure that the bees will be relocated somewhere they can still live their lives and not be a danger to anyone. You can contact them when the problem you have with bees cannot be solved by the tips above.

Get Rid Of Bees!

You must remember that even if the bee problem you have is irritating you must never harm these little creatures. Bees are important and crucial to the survival of humans as well as the betterment of our already dying nature. Bees are creatures that make flowers bloom and make the planet breathable. Killing them is not the answer but if you follow the tips above if ever they plan to reside in your home you can get rid of them in a less violent way. We must learn to live and coexist with bees for our collective futures.