Port’s City Common Pests And Vancouver Pest Control

People can confront different pests in their homes in Vancouver throughout the year. Nevertheless, they can avoid confronting pests on their properties if they take preventive steps to evade them. The most common pests in the port city are rodents, bedbugs, ants, roaches, waps, and more. We shall also discuss the most common pests that you can confront on your property in Vancouver. Nonetheless, you can always contact Vancouver pest control professionals, such as Pesticon, to permanently exterminate the pests from your property.
Common Pests in Vancouver
Norway/Brown Rats and Black/Roof Rats:
Norway rats and black rats are common in Vancouver. Brown rats typically infest homes and buildings in Vancouver, whereas it’s hard to spot black rats on a property. Norway rats have small eyes, ears, and tails, but they are bigger than roof rats. Conversely, black rats measure fifteen to twenty centimetres in length, and they have long tails. Norway rats prefer living in the basements and lower areas of homes or buildings. Besides, they intrude via small openings in different areas on properties and open doors. Black rats cause damage to wirings, valuables, and foodstuff. Norway and roof rats carry serious health risks as they can transmit more than 35 diseases to people.
House Mice:
House mice carry health risks, identical to roof rats and Norway rats. They are also a threat to your personal belongings and food items, in addition to disease carriers. House mice can cause serious damage to the electrical wiring, insulation, and household appliances. House mice have large tails and ears with a sharp nose. House mice can easily fit into small areas, and they weigh around 14 to 18 grams. House mice breed all over the year, and they can survive for two to three years.
Grey Squirrels:
Grey squirrels also infest residential spaces in Vancouver. They typically build their nests inside and outside the buildings, particularly in attics. You will also find them in brown and black colours. In addition to animal control companies, reputable pest control companies can safely remove squirrels from properties in Vancouver.
Bedbugs are truly irritating pests because they feed on human blood, and their bites can cause itching. They can hide in various places in homes, such as electrical boards, bed sheets, sofas, carpets, etc. Bedbugs can infest the cleanest of spaces through hitchhikes. They look similar to the shape of an apple seed. They can also survive without food and under freezing temperatures for a long time. Getting rid of these distressing pests is never easy for homeowners in Vancouver. Contacting experts in Vancouver at pest control is the best solution to get rid of bedbugs from home.
Ants are of several types; hence, they differ in size and colours. Generally, ants live in colonies with a few hundred to thousands of workers under a queen in an ant colony. The most common types of ants in Vancouver include Cornfield, Carpenter, Odorous, House, Pavement, and Pharoah. All ants can have wings in their productive stage. A solid strategy to avert an ant infestation is to identify and eliminate their habitats, travelling paths, and nesting space.
Cockroaches or Roaches:
Cockroaches or roaches are filthy pests that carry pathogens alongside several bacteria with them. They can cause asthmatic and allergic reactions to people with their infestation on a property. Cockroach species are of different types that vary in size and colour. German cockroaches are the most common cockroach species in Vancouver. Roaches can infest any space on a property; however, you will often find them in the kitchen.
Bees, Wasps, and Hornets:
Bees, wasps, and hornets are troublesome pests because of their stinging ability. They are harmful pests if they make their nests near your home or on residing premises. Yellowjackets have remained popular wasp species because they have often troubled people in Vancouver. Wasps make their nests in void areas and the soil. You can’t get rid of a wasp infestation without preparation. Furthermore, the safest way to deal with a wasp infestation is relying on a pest control service
Fleas, spiders, silverfish, and stored product beetles & moths are also common pests in Vancouver. Nevertheless, pests we have discussed usually cause trouble to people in residential spaces in Vancouver.
You can confront different pests in your home in Vancouver with time. The most common pests that you can encounter are:
- Norway Rats or Roof Rats: Both of these rodents can transmit more than thirty-five diseases to people.
- House mice: They can cause serious damage to properties.
- Grey Squirrels: Typically, an animal control service removes grey squirrels from homes.
- Bedbugs: Bedbugs are frustrating pests, and people truly hate them because they feed on human blood.
- Ants: Ants live in colonies, and contacting professionals in Vancouver at pest control aid in removing large ant infestations from home.
- Roaches: German cockroaches are the most common cockroach species in Vancouver.
Wasps: You can eliminate wasps from a property without preparation.