When do Piles Need Surgery?

People suffering from piles usually ask this question: do I need surgery to cure piles? Is it really necessary? Well, surgery may not be the first treatment. There are a lot of options that usually one suffering from piles would want to go for when they notice symptoms such as rectal pain, itching and soreness.
Home remedies for piles in India are very common that includes
- Coconut oil for piles,
- Apple cider vinegar for piles,
- Castor oil for piles,
- Aloe vera gel for piles, etc.
There are some lifestyle changes that people choose to improve the condition of piles. The changes include:
- Sitz bath
- Toilet hygiene
- Over-the-counter medicines
- Dietary changes such as more fiber intake
- Increasing liquid intake
There comes a situation when none of the over-the-counter medicines or home remedies for piles work. Then you need surgery to treat piles. If all these remedies do not work and there is no improvement in the condition of piles then surgery is the last resort.
Here are Some Indications that your Piles Need Surgery
- If there is any kind of rectal bleeding
- Severe and unbearable pain and discomfort in the anal region
- If the problems persist despite trying over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams or other remedies
- If you’re passing stools that look maroon in color or tarry in color, a sign of bleeding
There is a minimally invasive technique – laser surgery for piles, which is a commonly performed surgery for piles. Now, the question is how does it all happen?
There are two types of piles or hemorrhoids
- External hemorrhoids: Piles or hemorrhoids that occur under the skin of the anal region and gives discomfort while sitting, standing or walking.
- Internal hemorrhoids: Piles or hemorrhoids that occur inside the lining of the anus are internal hemorrhoids. It does not show symptoms sometimes. There are four grades of hemorrhoids – Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4; grade 4 being the most severe stage of piles.
What happens in each grade of piles?
Grade 1: It bulges in the lining of the anal canal during bowel movement.
Grade 2: It protrudes from the anus and goes back itself after the bowel movement.
Grade 3: In this, the lump bulges out of the anus and you have to push it back manually with your finger.
Grade 4: It hangs out of the anus and does not go inside even after pushing. It gives severe pain and discomfort along with bleeding.
Grade 1 and 2 may not show symptoms and can heal on their own or with some lifestyle changes. Grade 3 and 4 show symptoms can not be treated with the medication or home remedies. It needs surgical treatment.
Complications if piles are Left Untreated
Strangulation | The veins that supply blood to the area get blocked which makes the condition worse. |
Prolapse | This happens when external hemorrhoids are left untreated and is a situation that gives extreme pain and discomfort. |
Infection | When piles are not treated, it may lead to abscess which can spread infection to the nearby anal region. |
Blood clot | This is also due to untreated external hemorrhoids, which increases itchiness and pain. |
Anema | There comes a situation where a lot of blood loss causes dizziness, shortness of breath and fatigue. |
These are the conditions when piles need surgery. Therefore, get immediate medical attention if your piles cause pain and discomfort. If you notice any symptoms like blood in stool or excess pain in the anal region, contact a general surgeon for piles without fail to avoid any complications.