What Is Philodendron Bipennifolium?

What Is Philodendron Bipennifolium?



Given how uncommon and sought-after this plant is, you might be curious about the level of maintenance it requires. Unbelievably, Philodendron Bipennifolium will just be another low-maintenance tropical houseplant.


Due of its unusual leaf shape, this philodendron is also known as fiddleleaf or horsehead philodendron. Like any other houseplant, your Bipennifolium will require some TLC and plant-friendly care if you want it to dance in your garden or just sit with your interior collection foliage.


The Philodendron Bipennifolium: what is it?


The leathery texture of the Fiddleleaf’s glossy green leaves is stunning. The plant, which originates in Argentina and Brazil, grows by encircling the trees. It grows like a vine because of its thin stem and aerial roots, which give it hemi-epiphyte foliage.


By suspending it using a moss pole from pots or baskets, you may make a steamy, heated forest. The best part is that we will demonstrate how simple it is to take care of this exotic flora.


Types of Philodendron Bipennifolium


Basics of Philodendron Bipennifolium Care


The tropical houseplant prefers warm environments and does not perform well in extreme cold. Additionally, it replicates growth in its native environment and has a container big enough to hold the massive root ball. The Horsehead Philodendron needs the following things to thrive in your home.


ideal potting mixture


It is advisable to use well-draining soil for the Fiddleleaf Philodendron since it helps retain the right quantity of water without leading to root rot. The plant flourishes in clay, sand, and silt-rich loamy soil. For ideal loamy soil, it helps if the used sand type accounts for slightly more than half of the ground.


A further requirement is that the silt you utilise should make up 40% of the loamy soil and the remaining 60% should be clay. Additionally, it must have a pH balance that is somewhat acidic, between 5 and 6 pH.

To learn more about caring for fiddleleaf philodendrons and how to grow them, visit Gardening Know How: Fiddleleaf Philodendron Care. 

Aquatic Needs

The soil should be kept damp but not soggy when caring for Philodendron bipennifolium. It can stop oxygen from getting to the roots and causing root rot when the soil is saturated. The leaves’ yellowing or slowing down, which stops the growth, is another issue that is caused.


It is better to hold off on watering the plant until the soil has dried out. Using a soil probe is an excellent way to ensure that your Horsehead Philodendron receives adequate water. It requires less irrigation in the winter than it does in the summer.


Perfect Lighting

While your fiddleleaf plant needs sunlight, direct sunlight shining on the leaves will damage it. The leaves may become scorched and become yellow when exposed to direct UV radiation. In order for the leaves to survive, they need indirect sunlight for photosynthesis.


The optimal location for your plant is therefore near a window that faces either north or south. Make sure they are planted close to a tree or other big plants so they may obtain shade if you treat them like outside plants.


Temperature & Humidity

The Horsehead Philodendron prefers temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (24C to 29C.) The ideal temperature range for the evening is between 65F and 70F. (18C-21C.) It’s important to keep in mind that the Philodendron Bipennifolium is sensitive to chilly weather.


This jungle plant requires moisture, which can be provided by a humidifier in the space. You can also use the pebble tray technique, putting the plant in a basket and adding water to the tray but not enough to cover the pebbles. As the water evaporates from the tray, your plant will receive the moisture it needs.



The fact that you don’t need to fertilise your plant frequently is one thing you’ll find useful. Only around three times a year, depending on the health of the plants, is fertiliser necessary. Use a slow-release fertiliser to avoid feeding it frequently.


Be sure to spray five inches around the base. Water the plant first, though, to keep it from drying out or scorching, which could harm the roots. Avoid using fertilisers with a lot of salt in them since they hurt the plant.

You can read more about philodendron bipennifolium on purple heart plant