Make Your Upcoming Live Stream a Treat to Eyes With These Tips

Make Your Upcoming Live Stream a Treat to Eyes With These Tips

When you plan an online event or even a live stream, we are sure you take all the aspects into consideration when it comes to planning and promotions. However, in the case of a live stream, it is the auditory and visual senses of a person that you need to tap on. As an organizer, you get numerous opportunities and options to make your physical events a feast for the human eye. However, with things going virtual, the options get limited, but the significance of making your online event visually attractive increases.


It is simply because while attending a webinar on a webinar platform or viewing your live stream, it is the auditory and visual senses that will be utilized. Hence, you need to make an extra effort to ensure that your live stream is a treat to watch and listen to.


We understand that you should focus on the content; however, it is not the only factor that would keep your audience hooked to the live stream. You need to ensure that your live stream is a treat to watch. It is due to the fact that 90% of the information that is transmitted to the brain is visual.


Now that you know you have to focus on making your live stream rich for your audience’s senses, start working on them. However, while surfing Google, we came across several blogs that take care of the auditory sense. Therefore, we decided to take care of the other one; It is why here we are talking about the ways you can use to make your live stream visually pleasing. So, without any ado, let’s get started.


Before diving into the ideas, it is important to understand why we are emphasizing them and why you should take them into consideration.


Why It Is Needed:


We all know how popular live streaming has become. Also, how it has become a crucial part of every marketing campaign. Hence, if you wish to make your live streaming stand apart from the rest, you need to widen your approach and start focusing on other elements other than content. As an organizer, you should keep other elements in mind and ensure on delivering an enriching experience.


In simple words, you cannot expect your live stream to be effective if it is not visually appealing.


How to Make Live Stream a Treat to Eyes:


While we are about to talk about the ideas you can use to enhance your live stream visually, you should have your objectives defined. You should know the exact reason you are conducting the live streaming. Are you planning to increase your audience reach and boost its growth? If not this, are you planning the stream to educate your audience about any product or service? Once you have the answer to your question, move on to the next; Decide the format of your live stream; how will you execute it? Is it going to be a Q&A session, a keynote session, or anything else?


Answering these questions and noting them down will help you move ahead with other elements. It will also help you visualize the elements of your live stream.


Factors and Elements to Consider to Make Live Stream Visually Pleasing:


  1. Use Appropriate Technology:


Starting from the most basic factor, you should look for an event hosting platform that delivers HD-quality videos. As an organizer, the last thing you would want your audience to have is a rough experience with the technology that you have selected. Would you ever want to deliver your video in low resolution? No, right. Hence, always select a webinar platform that delivers high-quality videos. Not only this but ensure you use a good-quality webcam and microphone. If you feel your laptop or desktop doesn’t have a good in-built webcam, use an additional webcam. In addition to that, always check your internet connection. Use LAN instead of Wi-Fi for a good internet connection.


  1. Sit in a Well-Lit Space:


While it is necessary to use a good camera, streaming from a space that is well-lit adds to the overall quality. If you don’t have much space, use artificial lights. Though it might require some time, having an idea of what angle and light will work the best for you. While you are looking for the best angle, make sure you don’t end up setting the light in a way that would create shadows. You can use ring light or other background lighting and place them behind the camera.


  1. Present Your Content Effectively:


Now that you have taken care of the equipment, it is time to focus on how you will present your content and design your event hosting platform. Here are a few points you can consider:


  • If you are presenting your content in various segments, such as PPTs, videos, pictures, and graphs, focus on designing them effectively. You can hire a professional graphic designer on board, but make sure you make them visually appealing. Apart from the design, make sure to include all the information in the content.


  • Countdown Timer: Add a countdown timer on the platform before the beginning of any session or the streaming also. It will not only create hype among your attendees but will also give a unique touch to the regular live stream.


  • Make an Intro and Outro of the Live Stream: You should also create a catchy intro and outro of your live stream. The introduction will get the attendees excited, and the outro will conclude your live stream.


We hope you are now all ready to host your next live stream. Be it your first stream or the hundredth, you should know that if you wish to make a difference among your audience, you need to deliver something extraordinary. Hence, take these tips into consideration. However, make sure you don’t end up complicating things and confusing yourself. One thing that we would like to add on is you should keep things minimal. There is no lie that simplicity attracts more attention than things that are overdone. Hence, keep it simple and more appealing.