Knowing These 10 Secrets Will Make Your Career on Peak in the Post-Coronavirus World

Coronavirus has a severe impact on our jobs, economy and also our lifestyle. Work from home has become the new normal and when this pandemic will end, it will be tough for people to get back to their old job routine.
At this time, when people are adopting digital transformation and becoming quarantine productive, it’s obvious that the post-COVID world will have its impact. So, this quarantine period is the best to make yourself prepared for the latter. For this, we are mentioning the 10 best tips that will help you adopt the change soon.
Become a Tech-Savvy
The biggest lesson from the lockdown is that the world is an end without the internet. When people are at home, the only mode that’s helping them to survive is technology whether it’s for online shopping, entertainment or attending online classes. So, in the post-COVID world the one skill you’ll need the most is tech-savviness. The more aware you’re of digital learning, the higher will be the chances to succeed in the job.
The tip is to learn the career-building forums where you can work and earn money online. Plus, also keep learning the technology tools and software of your niche to upgrade your tech skills.
Create Your Digital Portfolio
Whether you’re a writer, programmer, HR professional or a marketer, your online portfolio will boost your career and enhance your credibility to the employers. With an online portfolio, it’s easy to know your digital skills, creativity, innovation and experience in the niche. So, in this quarantine period, work to grow your digital portfolio to leverage its benefits in the post COVID world.
Start working for your personal connections or create a freelancing profile. Work with clients to achieve their objectives and ask them to drop you a testimonial. This will let you increase your on-screen reputation.
Work on Your LinkedIn Profile
Do you know after you drop a CV to the employer, they search you on LinkedIn to know more about you? LinkedIn is the best platform to connect the potential employees and employers for the vacant position. So, unlock the best LinkedIn features to make your profile worth staying. In addition, you must continue your LinkedIn activities to keep your profile active such as helping others in finding the jobs recommending sources to learn and networking with the right people. These all will help to grow your professional network through LinkedIn.
Put a professional LinkedIn picture, write a brief summary about yourself, publish articles on LinkedIn and mention your work experience and contact details to attract the employer for the job.
Personalize Your CV
Sending a general CV to every employer reduces your hiring changes. In the post-COVID world, it will hardly have any room. Read the job position you’re applying for and then tailor your CV according to it. If you’re finding it hard, try consulting any professional CV writing service in Dubai for the help.
By personalizing your CV, you’ll leave the impression that you care about the job and you have the skills which are needed for the job.
Work on your Communication Skills
In the post-Coronavirus world, there will be more remote jobs than the office ones. It means you’ll be invited more to Skype interviews, webinars, conferences and even Live sessions on the digital channels such as Facebook and Instagram. Now, only the one with great communication skills can survive this change and grow their career because the better you communicate, the higher will be your hiring chances.
So, if you haven’t buckled up your communication skills yet, read and learn how to do it. This will let you cope better in the latter world.
Understand Your Job Market
Every job market has developed with the pandemic effects so that’s why it’s important to understand what’s trending in your niche. For this, research on your industry and know how they are adopting the pandemic lifestyle and learn it gradually. One thing you can do more is to follow your industry influencers and network with them. It will open great opportunities for you. Plus, having your digital skills up-to-date will always be a bonus for your career.
Add people in your network, talk to them and figure out ways to explore your job market. With steady research on your niche, you can progress better in your future career.
Learn How to Work from Home
In the pre-pandemic world, we all were habitual of working in the office and with a sudden shift to work from home, many people find it frustrating because of the work-from-home challenges such as distractions, no availability of space or internet problems. Since in the post-world, there are higher chances of getting a remote job or development or your freelance career, so making peace with the challenges is a must.
In this quarantine period, establish your work-from-routine, learn to minimize distractions and make yourself comfortable at home. This tip can give you an edge over other candidates who refuse a remote job because of its challenges.
Grow Your Skills by Taking Online Courses
A good thing about Covid19 is that several educational brands have reduced their course fees and some of them have even gone free with the online courses. So, what you need to do is to search these discounted courses and enrol in them to hone your skills. They will help you to prepare for the post-pandemic world.
The other benefit of online courses is that you can display the certificate on your resume, digital portfolio and your LinkedIn. This will fuel your online growth by being a bonus point to your resume.
Work on your Soft Skills
The pandemic is a lesson that the skills you need to survive the challenges are resilience, patience, empathy and leadership. After this pandemic ends, we don’t know what will be the other challenges waiting for us and unless we have the soft skills, things will get more difficult.
The tip is to practice mindfulness and work to grow your soft skills. Most of the employers will also test you for that so it’s the best time to get yourself ready for it.
Focus on Creativity
During the pandemic, you must have seen the businesses who have adopted the pandemic lifestyle soon are only thriving today. That’s the power of creativity. Businesses who have come online to deliver their product or services are earning amidst the chaos. Similarly, human creativity will be the most sought skill after the pandemic.
So, dream up your online business, work on the ways to adopt challenges better and focus on your creative side to make the best out of the crisis. That’s how you’ll evolve.
Abdul Majid Sheikh is a professional content writer and editor with 5+ years of writing experience. He has a Master’s literature degree from the University of Birmingham Dubai. He is passionate about creating content that informs, educates, and entertains. He has proofed and edited for numerous clients, including blogs, academic publications, and SEO article sites.