Japanese Boiled Octopus Recipe

The japanese octopus recipe is a classic dish that has been enjoyed by many people since the beginning of time. It’s one of those dishes that you either love or hate, but everyone agrees that this dish is something special and worth trying out! In this post we are going to teach you how to prepare Japanese Boiled Octopus so that it can become part of your regular rotation.
1/2 lb fresh octopus
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar
2 green onions, thinly sliced
- Remove the head and innards of the japanese octopus recipes, then cut it in half lengthwise.
- Heat a large pot of water on high heat until boiling, add ice if needed to keep it cold (you can also use a bowl of cold water). Lower one piece at a time into the hot water until they float to the surface; this will take about 20 minutes total for each half piece of octopus—but be patient! It doesn’t get any easier than this step!
- Once you’ve removed all your pieces from their cooking vessels and let them cool for about 10 minutes, slice each piece in half lengthwise again so that you have six slices total from each half (this way you won’t waste any meat). Then cut those slices into bite sized pieces—they’re ready to eat now!
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Serve the boiled octopus with a side of rice or salad. Add some soy sauce or wasabi for additional flavor if you prefer.
If you’re interested in trying boiled octopus, but aren’t sure how to cook it, this recipe is for you. All you need is some fresh octopus, a pot of boiling water, and a few minutes of your time.
You will love the taste and texture of this dish. It’s a great way to use up leftover octopus, or even to make it for dinner if you don’t have any octopus on hand. The only thing I would change about this recipe is that I think it could be more flavorful without adding any extra seasonings—perhaps some lemon zest or grated Parmesan cheese? But other than that, this is an excellent boiled octopus recipe!
We hope you enjoy this recipe for Japanese Boiled Octopus. It is a very simple dish and can be made in just minutes so it’s perfect for those of us who have busy lives! If we may be of any similar assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us (ajalijutt89@gmail.com).