Is React Native Really The Future of Mobile App Development in 2023?

Is React Native Really The Future of Mobile App Development in 2023?

The mobile app development industry has seen massive advancements in technology in the past few years. One of those innovations in the technology is the development of one of the most popular frameworks known as React Native. According to reports, It is the second most used cross-platform mobile app development framework.


It has multiple potentials that startups and established enterprises are leveraging with the help of a mobile app development company to take their brand to the next level of success and accomplishment.


But has React Native the ability to become the Future of mobile app development?


Here in the blog, we will discuss this in a detailed way to have a better understanding!


So, let’s just dive in!


What is React Native?


It is an open-source framework that is used for cross-platform mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS platforms respectively and uses Javascript as its core programming language which will reduce development time and improve the performance of apps as well.


Developing an app is a very time-consuming and difficult task. You need Java Developers for Android development and separate developers for iOS development as well.


That’s why Facebook created a solution to this issue to make the process of mobile app development easier and seamless for developers. They launched React Native in March 2015 which can be used to build native apps for different platforms by using the same codebase and solely Javascript as its primary programming language.


Why React Native Is Best For Mobile App Development: Is It Future?


Let’s take a closer look at React Native’s features to get more persuasion on Why use React Native?


●    Reusable Code


The main goal of cross-platform mobile app development is that it allows reusing the written code for both iOS and Android apps. That means there is no need to do separate coding for different platforms.


This method will significantly help to save time and provides convenience to the React Native app developers. Additionally, if a business has already a web app then they can use the majority of the code to create their mobile app.


●    Cross-platform Compatibility


One of the significant advantages of React Native is that it is cross-platform compatible that allows reusing the same component for both iOS and Android development.


In the case of this framework, there is no need to write a platform-specific code which reduces the time spent writing two codebases separately and also eliminates the cost of hiring both iOS and Android developers. Rather than create an app using web technologies, programmers can use React Native to build native apps with a single codebase.


●    Integration with Third-party plugins


React Native provides third-party plugin support. For instance, if you want to add Google Calendar or Google Maps to your basic app then through React Native you can easily integrate these third-party modules.


●    Hot & Live Reloading Feature


This framework has a prominent feature ‘Hot and live reloading’ which allows developers to see the changes that they have made without reloading the entire app again and again.  As soon as the code is saved, it tracks which files are put through to change and reloads those files only. 


●    Backed by Facebook


We can not deny the fact that React Native has got so much popularity because it is launched by Facebook. Ultimately they are going to invest a considerable amount of time and energy in improving its features and capabilities regularly.


●    Large-Community


React Native has an open-source community that has a group of enthusiastic JS developers who always want to share their tech knowledge with other developers. Its community is proven to be one of the strongest and largest communities in cross-platform mobile app development.


●    More Accessibility


This framework comes with more build accessibility. React Native’s API got a lift in 2018 and today it works well for both iOS and Android. There are also many changes in action support roles, CALayer for drawing text, etc.


●    Development Speed


Its speed of development is one of the most prominent advantages of this framework. It takes far less time to deploy a web page using React and users will see React-generated pages more quickly than others.


Backend Services By React Native


●    AWS Amplify


It is an Amazon backend solution that improves scalability and provides ease of managing the user and the content. It can be used to create a powerful cross-platform backend by Amplify libraries and guided workflows.


●    Firebase


This backend service is backed by Google and is a major advantage for the developers to get to know the consumer response to the application in real time. It also provides many tools to make the development process scalable and faster.


●    Parse


It is an open-source service that is used to download SDKs and other libraries that are required for mobile application development. Also, it comes with a large community of developers to assist new developers if they will face any sort of problem.


●    Back4app


It is one of the most popular backend services that provides great flexibility in terms of optimizations and customizations. Development of activities such as push notifications becomes easier for mobile app developers with the codes provided by Back4app.


Successful Companies Using React Native


●    Facebook


As already mentioned above Facebook developed React Native and has also built their app using it. Facebook Ads Manager which is used by individuals and businesses to manage advertisements for their products is built entirely on React Native.


●    Bloomberg


Bloomberg is a high-tech finance company that provides comprehensive information tools for equity trading and analytics among other enterprise applications.


With React, developers at Bloomberg were able to rebuild the company’s consumer app for both mobile platforms and include a host of new features.


●    Skype


Another excellent example of a mobile application is Skype. It is a Microsoft product and they had decided to use React Native not just for a mobile application but also for its desktop version as well.


●    Walmart


They are basically an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of grocery stores, supermarkets, and discount stores. They also have a mobile app that helps individuals browse and search millions of their products.


Using React Native for the Walmart app led to faster load times, improved performance, and better user experience.




All the above factors clearly state that the future of React Native is bright and intuitive. Undoubtedly in a few years, it will become a future-proof and sustainable choice all over the world. To conclude it has a lot of unique benefits that your business can easily leverage with the help of a React Native app development company.


So if you want to establish your business on a digital platform, then React Native development services are surely the best ones to opt for your next development project. However, your choice of technology largely depends on your business requirements. Therefore you can choose the best one according to your needs and perspectives.