I Consumed Thick Water For An Entire Month

I am a health freak person always trying to do something new. This time I consumed thick water for an entire month. Now some of you must be thinking about what is thick water, do not worry your question will be answered in this article. Nowadays thick water has become a booming business, especially in the health-care industry. How true is all the glamour which has been created around the thick water.?
Introduction Of Thick Water
The only difference between normal drinking water and thick water is that this water is thicker which makes it is easier to drink both of them have similar tastes. This water is usually consumed by people who have dysphagia – a condition in which they face problems while swallowing. Usually in this condition if they have a big bit while eating food it might block their airway. In some cases, their lungs affected too. So to keep them healthy and fit they usually consume thick water.
Also, some fitness freak people are now moving towards thick water. A lot of people in the fitness industry are following this as a daily routine. A lot of star sports players have attracted the normal crowd towards it as they been using it on the daily basis. To solve this riddle what is thick water how it would help me I decided to try it myself for a month.
My First-day Consuming Thick Water
There are a lot of varieties available in the thick water segments like Honey, Nectar, and Pudding. I choose Honey thickness, as I have a weakness for sweets. Usually, I start my day with a cup of tea. This time used some thick water to prepare it. First sip which I tasted nothing different it tasted like normal tea only it was much thicker. After that, I did my morning workout I usually gulp down one bottle of normal water. But today I had to try thick water, with every gulp of it flowing throw my mouth it took more time to reach my tummy. As it was very slow than usual, my thirst was not satisfied though. This went on for the whole day. my body was now feeling dehydrated. By the end of the day, I wanted this month to end soon. As it was not less than torture to my body. Alas, but I was not going quit so easily.
Other Days Of The Month Consuming Thick Water
Very similar to my first-day experience other days of the month were not different. Every passing day seemed like a challenge in itself. One such experience during these days was about my coke treat. I am a big fan of carbonated drinks which makes me fresh instantly. But everything did not go as per plan. Very similar to my tea experience this was no different. Have you ever had jelly base sweets in your childhood. This was no different carbonation effect had surprisingly vanished felt like I was having cola flavoured jelly. Also to add my bowel movement very too affected.
Otherside Of Thick Water Humdrum
People who just drink only this water, I cannot help imagining them. Consuming it directly is not all great, if it is one time adventure like think I am okay with it. Now if we see companies are openly printing or displaying thick water as “dysphagia nutrition solution”
Scientifically speaking this is no magic solution. Fluid-dense food can act better fluid than thickened water for the dysphagia patient. Many doctors nowadays themself saying thick water is been overprescribed these days. On Twitter #PlaniWaterChallenge has been trending to bring more awareness among the general public. There was a survey in the American Journal stating that if doctors and nutritionists used thick water for themselves there would stop prescribing it or prescribe it very few number times.
A month seemed a long time this time, I was early waiting for it to get it over. From my personal experience, I can say that it was painful than usual, as I drink 6 litres of normal water on a daily basis. But this time it seemed an uphill task, which was not easy to scale. Those who suffer from dysphagia need to consult their medical representatives and then consume it in the right quantity. But give a second thought before consuming it, as they’re a lot of better option available.