How to Stream on Twitch

How to Stream on Twitch

When talking about streaming, specifically game streaming, twitch is the granddaddy of all other websites. Here streams often go live so that you can see it all honestly. Without any previews, without any scripts.


If you want to do streaming and expand your fanbase on twitch, there are some stages you need to cover.


Structural hardware


To become an efficient streamer, you must have that display on your back and side seat. Having efficient pieces of equipment on your thumbnails convinces users to check out your site. Twitch is a site full of streamers and their communities. Give your first impressing as a streamer of their level. Some basics are a monitor, keyboard, mouse, microphones, webcam, and some extra touch of gaming systems like X-BOX to spice up your content quality. However, you can stream without all this just by going live on your mobile. You can also upgrade your streaming set by having two monitors, back speakers, etc.


Streaming software


The streaming software is the pc application to improve your streaming quality. One of the most basic is the OBS studio. It is an open broadcasting studio software. Here, you can have multiple screens to add different tabs simultaneously. It provides you the features like a movable form of the camera window. You can also manage your web location and activate twitch chat to interact with your fans, viewers, and subscribers. As you get pro with your job, you can move towards more complex software to get a new look along with time.


Creating audience.


People always prefer harmony. You should find your way of how to create aesthetics on your platform. It would help if you stopped being basic. Getting extraordinary is the only way to build an audience. It would help if you gave your viewers multiple reasons to come and watch you. Always allow yourself to experiment with new content. Get out of your bubble so people can watch and binge your content. People like newness. Create your platform impression to provide great discoverability to your audience. Let it be game steaming, artistic performance, or so on. After completing your streaming, check out the instances when people liked you more and tried to connect with you. Keep using the formulas your audience enjoyed.


Stay connected


The audience prefers the platforms that make them feel wanted. Always try to stay connected with your fans and subscribers. Answer their questions regularly. Keep communicating with them and try to know how they want you to see them. The critical point here is how efficiently you interact with your audience. For example, if you are a video game streamer, find games that viewers can play with you. Try to have open lobby games or games that can incorporate many people. Also, consider the way of inviting a critical point. You should know how to optimize your previews to invite people qualitatively and quantitatively. Use different methods like creating polls, etc to ask your audience what they want to see.


Look presentable


Create your stage as an eye-catching candy. Use graphics, brightness, vibrance, and saturation colors to create unique visual pieces. Not only you but your video thumbnails and your banners should also impact your audience’s mind that they must visit you. Looking presentable reflects harmony in your content, mainly required when you stream something artistic, an event, a cooking show, or vlogging. Always try to find what people want to see and go beyond their expectations to keep them watching you.


Stay social, stay trendy.


Alpha generation of the 21st century keeps staying updated. Try to add every latest trend to your serving dish. Keep updating your audience about every slight movement that happens. Start spicing up content with ongoing incidents all around the world. But, also keep staying social. It is not only enough to keep displaying the outsiders’ trend. Try sharing your own stories and incidents, and don’t forget to mention your fans. Keep connecting the links between you and your audience.


If you are a video game streamer, keep introducing trendy games, and invite your audience to play with you. And If you are an artist, try something miscellaneous to show up to your fans. And If you are a vlogger, keep introducing new places. But, sometimes, it is the best way to get nostalgic. Try something like the ’90s to create a scent of emotions-being; a human means unconsciously liking something full of emotions. Fill your content with feelings of love, excitement, suffering, motivation, and encouragement. And try to relate all this if your life experience- the best way to stay social! Keep socializing and give your audience new stories about you. Don’t let them or give them the reasons they forget you.




It is an essential skill you should have when experimenting with something worldwide. It is not a 1-day or 1-week process. Sometimes it even may take a couple of months to make people realize that you have that in you. Never lose your patience.


Never give up on your channel. Just keep adding or streaming your content with different spices each time.


Next level


Now when you are all done with your initial stages. It would help if you streamed when you have understood the strategies, the software, and the hardware. Through stream, your channel followers and viewers will boost soon. If still, you are fiding any shortcut way, then you can opt for This way is also safe and secure for your channel.


How to stay social and keep trending? How do something extraordinary attract users.? You are all set to move forward to complexity. Twitch is all about streaming and is the best streaming site of all. Move forward to the following levels of streaming. Increase your timings, add new styles of showing your content, improve your hardware setup, try to get more sophisticated software, and keep streaming.