How To Relax A Crying Baby?

How To Relax A Crying Baby?

Are you also one of those who fear a crying baby? We can not stop them from crying since they can not communicate with us. Talking is the source of communication for adults. And babies can not talk. The source of communication for babies is their crying. With that, they tell us that they need our help. They cry when hungry, feel danger near them, do not feel well or are uncomfortable.


There can be various reasons for a baby to cry. However, the most common is hunger. When they do not get fed on time, they cry badly. Therefore experts suggest taking their silent cues and feeding them beforehand. The baby cries for food when it is too late for them, and they are badly hungry. You should take notice of your child closely. If they take their thumb in their mouth, that indicates they are hungry. To prevent their restlessness and crying, it is always a good idea to feed them at this stage and not wait for their outburst.


A baby’s cry can be frustrating. You do not know the exact reason for it and you try to calm them down. Sometimes you succeed in it. But sometimes, you fail in it. However, you need to figure out the reason why they are crying.


Here are a few ways you can relax a crying baby. However, if your child cries a lot, it is possible that she might not be feeling well. In that situation, take them to the doctor and get them checked. To get an expert opinion, you can consult a child specialist in township Lahore.


Feed Your Baby

Babies cry when they are hungry. They also move their hands near their mouth if they are hungry. Keep them well-fed but not overfed, as they can vomit, throughout the day.

Change Your Baby’s Diaper

Babies get uncomfortable when their diapers are dirty or full. Try checking their diapers. Clean them and change them into new ones. They will feel comfortable and stop crying.

Change Your Baby’s Clothing

Your baby can be feeling cold or hot. Try changing your baby’s cloth if they are under or overdressed. Change their clothes according to the weather you live in.

Sing A Song For Your Baby

Try singing a song or a lullaby for your baby in a low voice near their ear. That calms them down and reduces their anxiety. It can even make them sleep in peace. Many babies develop a habit of hearing a low-volume song before sleeping.

Adjust The Lightening In Your Room

Some babies fear darkness, while some can not tolerate much lightning. Try figuring out what set of lights your baby is comfortable with. Adjust it to what your baby wants.


Try Controlling The Environment Around Your Baby

Some babies feel uncomfortable with too many people and noise around them. Try making them comfortable with more people little by little. Do not make them overstimulated or overwhelmed all of a sudden. Start with a few and work your way up.

Pat Your Baby’s Chest Or Back

Sometimes patting your baby’s chest or back makes them relax. It calms them down and makes them sleep as well.

Make Your Baby Burp

Sometimes not making your baby burp after feeding makes them uncomfortable. And they cry due to this discomfort. You can do this by holding your baby against your chest and slowly patting his back until you hear the burping.

Keep Your Baby In A Swing Or Bouncer

It might sound a bit dangerous, but it is not. There are many baby swings and bouncers which are not dangerous. Some babies are accustomed to being held in arms and swinging. They obviously can always be held in arms. Being in a bouncer creates the same effect and calms them down. But remember to do this very slowly.

Take Your Baby On A Walk

Sometimes a change in environment is what the baby needs as well. Try taking your baby on a walk in his stroller or a drive for a change.


For new moms or even older ones, a baby’s cry sometimes is no less than a nightmare. Remember to calm yourself first and act according to the situation. Do not forget to take your baby to a pediatrician if she does not stop crying and no apparent cause is visible. To get an expert opinion, you can visit a Child Specialist in National Hospital Lahore.