How to Plan Live Stream Business Meeting?

How to Plan Live Stream Business Meeting?

Planning a live stream business meeting is a great way to connect with your team, clients, partners and others in real time. It can be used for presentations, seminars and other types of meetings that are traditionally held in person.


Identify Your Audience


The first step in planning your live stream business meeting is identifying your target audience. Who will be watching your live stream? Who will benefit from seeing it? Is it only for company employees or do you want clients and partners to see it as well? You can use social media platforms such as Facebook Live, Instagram Stories and YouTube Live to reach people who are interested in what you have to say or who want to learn more about your products and services.


If you want specific people from your company or from other companies to watch the broadcast, make sure you invite them personally beforehand so they know they should tune in at the specified time.


Send out invitations


Send an email invitation to all participants at least two weeks before the meeting (or earlier if possible). Make sure that everyone knows what time zone they’ll be in so there aren’t any scheduling conflicts down the line, and make sure that you set up all necessary equipment ahead of time so it’s ready when people arrive on site.


Get a room


You can use a conference room in your office, but if you’re working with clients remotely, you may need to rent out space at a local venue. Make sure it has the right technology, such as a high-speed internet connection and a video camera that can broadcast over the web.


Decide on Your Goal


First, it’s important to determine what your purpose is when planning a live stream business meeting. Is it to educate or inform? Are you trying to sell something? Or maybe you just want to share information about your company? Once you know why you’re streaming, you’ll be better able to plan accordingly.


Decide on the purpose of the meeting


Before you begin planning your live stream business meeting, it’s important to decide what its purpose will be and how long it will last. If your company is hosting a quarterly all-hands meeting or annual awards ceremony, you will probably want to plan accordingly.


But if you’re just getting together with a few colleagues over lunch to discuss last quarter’s sales numbers, you can keep things more casual by setting aside less time for planning and executing the event.


Learn the ins and outs of live streaming


Once you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to think about how to get the most out of your live streams. This can mean more than just making sure your internet connection is stable and that you’re using a good microphone. You should also make sure that the lighting in your video is right and that it’s coming through clearly on camera, as well as ensuring that there’s no background noise or other distracting sounds—like buzzing lights!


There are plenty of ways to ensure all these factors are covered when you’re planning how to run a business meeting via live stream: consider having someone monitor them while they’re taking place, or even have representatives from different parts of the company attend remotely so they have an opportunity for input into decisions being made by their colleagues. In addition, if possible set aside at least one hour before everyone meets up so everyone has time for makeup or wardrobe changes (or whatever else might be needed).


Practice your live streaming skills


You should practice as much as possible. Practice in different locations so you know how the live stream will look and sound in those places. If it’s possible, practice with different video and audio equipment so you know how to use it. Also practice with different internet connections – sometimes there are glitches that can only be fixed by switching providers or routers (which may not be easy at a client’s location).


Make your video look great


Live streaming is an exciting new way to meet with clients and partners, but there’s no point in doing it if your audience can’t see you clearly. Make sure that your camera is positioned correctly and that you’re using good lighting. If possible, use a green screen so that you can easily cut out backgrounds in post-production. If that’s not an option, use Photoshop or another editing tool to replace them with something nicer!


Prepare in advance


Unlike traditional video content, popular live stream conferences require more preparation. Before you start broadcasting, make sure that everyone involved knows what they’re supposed to do and what they can expect from each other during the broadcast — this will make it easier for everyone if things go wrong.


Select an appropriate time for your meeting


Once you’ve gotten a clear idea of what the purpose of your meeting is, it’s time to think about setting the actual date and time. It’s important to choose an appropriate time for all involved, so whether you’re holding a live stream business meeting on your own or plan on inviting other participants, here are some tips:


  • Choose a time that works for everyone. The main factor in choosing the best day and hour is what will work best for your target audience—that means avoiding times that are likely to be distracting or inconvenient, like early mornings (when people aren’t at work yet), late evenings (when people may have started their day already), holidays, weekends (unless there’s something special happening then) etc.


  • Consider the time zone of your audience as well as their cultural norms regarding when they eat lunch…and dinner too! Additionally consider how long they’re willing to sit in front of their computer screen before taking a break—this could vary widely depending on age group/level of interest/etcetera.


Prepare all materials for virtual meeting:


  • Check that you have all the materials.


  • Check that you have all the equipment.


  • Check that you have all the software.


  • Check that you have all the permissions.


We hope this article has helped you understand how to plan for a live business meeting. The most important thing is to have a clear goal, practice your skills and make sure that everything is ready before the day of the event.


Author Bio:


Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business, and marketing and is a regular contributor to several websites.