How to Overcome the Guilt of Your Sexual Past

How to Overcome the Guilt of Your Sexual Past

It’s human nature that people start feeling guilty about stuff they think they should never have done in the past. They start believing that they have made mistakes. And if the matter is related to one’s sex life, then the guilt over making a mistake creates an excruciating pain all around.


The person cannot concentrate on anything. In fact, he/she is so lost that s/he even starts considering the idea of suicide. But ending one’s life is never a solution.


The guilt about the sexual past is linked with cultural and religious expectations. Your action contradicts your cultural and spiritual values, and, that’s how you start feeling guilty.  But feeling guilty about your sexual past will only worsen your situation. You need to overcome the guilt. Bearing the guilt all your life won’t do you any good.


Tips for Overcoming the Guilt of Sexual Past


To Err is Human


If you admit to yourself that whatever you have done – having a sexual relationship in the past that you regret now – was a mistake, then, my friend, you are absolutely in the right direction. Now that you are aware that you have made a mistake in the past, you need to understand that everyone makes mistakes in their life.


So, it’s not a big deal when you are honest with yourself. And if one of the mains reasons why you feel guilt is probably your religion, then you should know that God always gives a second chance.


Past is Past


As said earlier, people make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of human nature. All the great people you know have made mistakes in their life. Some even confess it publicly – how they could have done things differently.


You need to acknowledge that the past is past. You can’t go back to the past to change things, nor can you bear the guilt throughout your life.


Talk to the People You Trust


One of the main causes when the guilt of your sexual past gradually overwhelms you is that you can’t even share your feelings. You keep it to yourself. There is no one to support you, console you.


You should talk to the people you trust, people who care about you, people who won’t judge you. Sharing your feelings with them will make you feel better. This is one major step forward to overcome the guilt of sexual past.


Think About How You Could Change the Future


While you can’t change the past, you can certainly change your future. Take lessons from your sexual past, and think about how you can use the lessons to do things differently in the future. Learning from mistakes is one way to handle the mistake more positively.


Do Things That You Take Pleasure in


Take your time. You are going through a bad phase of your life. Try to do all the things that you take pleasure in. If you are a travel freak, then plan some trips. Go to the places where you will find serenity.


There will be you and the mother nature – one who will not judge you at least. You need to immerse yourself in the things you love to do. Don’t be too concern about time. Be patient and take one step a time.


Final Words


In this world, one gets to live only one life. You must not ruin your life, bearing the guilt of your sexual past or anything that you regret now. You feel guilty because you think you have made something wrong – something that you shouldn’t have done.


Well, at least you are acknowledging this, and it’s a good thing. Now that you acknowledge this, letting go of your guilt, you should only look forward to how you can positively shape your future.