How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection When Dating

How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection When Dating

It may have happened to you also that you like a girl, but you don’t have the confidence to propose her. You take her on a date, but you cannot speak your mind. You can’t tell her that you want to be with her. It’s because all that is going on in your mind is the fear of rejection when dating. You are concerned about how it might ruin even the current relationship that has been built till now. But all this fear leads you to nothing. Remember, the possible outcome might also be a positive one, right?


That’s why it’s necessary to know the ways to overcome the fear of rejection when dating.


Ways to overcome the fear of rejection


Think of the Other Outcome


If you fear that there is a chance of rejection, then you must think about the other outcome – the chance of togetherness. Whenever the thoughts of getting rejected come to your mind, you must overcome it, thinking about the possibility of taking the relationship to your desired state. You should think about all the good and beautiful things that might be resulted from one brave step.


Don’t Fantasize Much


It’s quite normal that you think too much about the girl that you would like to be with. You start thinking about what the future will look if she accepts you. All your thoughts centre around the imminent future. However, while it’s really fun to have those thoughts, you must not take it too far.


The more you fantasize, the more your fear of getting rejected might overpower you as the dating time approaches. Just keep the thoughts plain and simple.


Don’t Think Much About Your “Disadvantageous” Position 


One of the main reasons behind the fear of rejection is anxiety regarding your “disadvantageous” position. For instance, maybe you are not wealthy, and you are overthinking about how it might result in a rejection. By doing that not only you are allowing your fear to overwhelm you, but also being judgmental about the girl. People have problems, and it’s totally fine. Just be honest with her.


Don’t Compare Yourself


Many people take suggestions/advice, on how to overcome the fear, from people who have already dated multiple times, even from people who have had the trauma of getting rejected. You may have also heard about your friends who faced rejection.


Those stories of rejection might lower your confidence. But what you must remember is, they are the protagonists of their stories, not you. You are not THEY. Taking insights might be a helpful thing, but only treat them as insights. Don’t compare yourself with them. 


Think About the Commonalities


No two persons are the same in this world. But there are certain commonalities which keep them together. It might be anything – your perception about something, preference, personality traits, etc. You have to make sure that you both have those commonalities.


When you know that you both share certain kinds of features, then it would help overcome your fear of rejection. Also, this will boost up your confidence; that is, there is a good chance of creating a desired relationship.


Final Words


In your life, there will come many instances with the possible outcome of being rejected. But only thinking about the negative outcome and doing nothing is not an option that you should choose.


You need to have the confidence that you possess the ability to bring up a positive outcome. If you allow the fear of rejection to overwhelm you, then maybe you are worsening the condition. So, if you are taking her on a date, and having this fear of rejection, try to follow the tips. Believe in yourself.