How to Get Started in Creative Writing

How to Get Started in Creative Writing

A new year means new beginnings, and if you are looking to add something new to your life this year, it might be time to try creative writing. To get started, there are some resources that can help make the process easier, from the different types of creative writing you can do to great places to get started and meet like-minded people who share the same interest. This guide will help you learn how to get started in creative writing, making it easier than ever before.


Define your genre

The genre of creative writing is a broad umbrella term that encompasses any type of story-telling. Examples of different types of creative writing are poetry, essays, short stories, novels and screenplays. The beauty of the genre is that it offers writers plenty of room for creativity, so you can explore whichever branch interests you most. The following tips will help get your creative juices flowing and point you in the right direction:


Set some writing goals

If you’re interested in creative writing, the first thing you should do is set some goals for yourself. You learn how many letters are in the alphabet. Do you want to write a book? Do you want to learn how to write poetry? What about how to compose your own song lyrics? Take some time and figure out what kind of writing would be the most fulfilling for you.


Join a writers group

If you’re looking for a way to get started with creative writing, joining a writers group is a great option. Joining a writers group will give you the opportunity to meet other writers and share your work with them. You’ll also be able to take part in group feedback sessions where people provide constructive feedback on each others’ writing.


Read, read, read

There are two ways to learn about creative writing: read and write. Read, read, read. Every day. Read a lot of different things—novels, poems, essays. Pay attention to how words are used and what structures stories take on. Then write! Write every day if you can, but at the very least make sure you’re setting aside some time each week for your own writing. The more you do it the better you’ll get at it—plus it’s fun!


Experiment with different techniques

Creative writing is a broad term for a number of different genres. That being said, there are some commonalities that can be used as the foundation for any creative writing. One of the first things you should do when learning how to write creatively is experiment with different techniques so you can see what works best for you.


Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

If you’re new to creative writing, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Just remember that the first draft is never perfect. Here’s how I got started in creative writing: I started out by reading a lot of books and magazines for inspiration. Next, I took an online course on poetry and fiction writing. Finally, I joined a Facebook group for writers where I could share my work with other people for feedback.


Keep writing!

Creative writing is a great way to explore your imagination and creativity. But it can be hard to get started, so here are some tips for getting started:

1) Read – Read as much as you can so you have a better idea of what you want to write about or how other writers write. Reading will give you inspiration and ideas for your own work. Plus, reading will help make it easier for people who read your writing down the line understand what you’re trying to say.