How to Design Eye-Catchy Product Boxes for Your Brand

How to Design Eye-Catchy Product Boxes for Your Brand

Undoubtedly, your product boxes will be the main point your customers see before they see your products inside. Moreover, you know that your boxes will be the face of your brand. They will represent the image of your brand, for better or worse. In fact, we can fairly say that it all depends on how you design your boxes. To help you out in this matter, below are some tips you can follow to design eye-catchy product boxes for your brand!

Understand Your Customers Before Designing Your Product Packaging Boxes

When it comes to everyday products, these boxes play an important role. How? If your products can capture the customer’s attention, the customer will take them home. Otherwise? Well, sorry to say, but your exclusive products might end up only collecting dust on those retail shelves.

No matter what kind of product packaging boxes you design, you first need to know your customers in your particular market.

Before you will design your boxes, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you know which customers you serve?
  • Do you aim to target teenage girls or career women?
  • What do you think those customers want when purchasing your products?

Once you can answer all those questions above, you can then design your boxes accordingly and perfectly.

Think About Your Brand Identity When Designing Custom Product Boxes

Of course, you also need to think and decide on your brand’s unique identity when designing the right custom product boxes.

For this reason, you will first need to answer all the questions below.

  • How can you possibly define your company as a brand in this market?
  • Do you see your brand as a simple, classic, or elegant?
  • What identity do you want your market customers to see from your brand and business?

Choose and Use the Suitable Material for Custom Printed Product Boxes

Indeed, you should choose and use the right packaging material. The reason is obvious; you will need specific printing options for custom printed product boxes. Thus, making the right decision is important in this case.

Measure the Accurate Size of Your Wholesale Product Boxes

As you may have heard many times, the size of your packaging matters not only in protecting your products. Accurately measured wholesale product boxes are valuable in many ways, including:

  • They help you minimize your spending budget
  • They are valuable in reducing the shipping costs
  • They support sustainability by reducing packaging waste

Ultimately, measuring the exact size of your boxes will help your business to strive in the competitive market industry. This effort minimizes the amount of materials you need. At the same time, dimensionally accurate boxes can further highlight the presence of the product. Therefore, you need to know the exact specifications of your products properly. By having the right size of boxes, you will get the chance to impact the customer experience.

Make Your Brand Logo the Main Attention for Customers

Keep in mind that your brand logo will turn out being your business identity in the long run. Even more, an eye-catching logo makes your brand instantly recognizable to customers, even from a distance. In this context, you need to place your brand logo in the center of your boxes as the main attention. Why?

Because it makes your business stand out more.

Above all, your brand logo can also be an important part of your marketing techniques to conquer your market. Thus, make sure it will be the main focus.

Wrapping Up

Getting eye-catchy product boxes wrapping and displaying your products will be your best approach to draw more customers. To do this, you need to design them with innovative strategies. So, if you are interested in designing your boxes, you can contact CustomProductBoxes and work with our packaging specialists today!