How much money is in the Vatican?

How much money is in the Vatican?

The Vatican owns more than 5,000 church and investment properties around the world, a Catholic Church headquarters revealed for the first time on Saturday, according to multiple media outlets, but the church is struggling with a budget deficit, in addition to years of alleged mismanagement linked to its investment strategy.


The bulk of the Vatican’s real estate (4,051) is in Italy, most of which is used by church-affiliated groups or rented at cut-price rather than market rates, according to a report by the Vatican. Church-run Holy See Patrimony Administration (APSA), obtained by Reuters, Catholic News Service and other outlets.


The APSA also owns more than 1,000 properties in London, Geneva, Paris and other cities outside Italy, including a London real estate investment in which the Vatican controversially invested more than $400 million nearly a decade ago.


The Roman Curia — the central administrative body of the Catholic Church — had an operating deficit of $76.3 million in 2020, down from a deficit of $93.2 million in 2019, according to a budget statement obtained Saturday by the Jesuit America magazine. In an interview with Vatican News, Father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves called the Curia’s performance in 2020 “better than we expected,” in part because the Church cut spending during the coronavirus pandemic. However, the church reported a larger overall deficit in 2020 than in 2019, largely due to a drop in unrealized financial gains.


How much money does the Catholic Church have?


The best estimates investors can make of the amount of money the Catholic Church has is roughly $10 billion to $15 billion. Of these, the Italian shares alone amount to 1.6 billion dollars, 15% of the estimate of the offers registered in the Italian market.


How much money does the Pope have?


Pope Francis’ estimated net worth is $2.5 million. Between being a religious center for a large percentage of the population, the Vatican is also one of the richest entities on the planet.


Is the Vatican worth trillions?


The Waltons are by far the richest family on the list, with a net worth of $215 billion, or $95 billion more than the second-richest family. Today, the Catholic Church has a net worth of $1.5 trillion, which is 183% more than it was worth 25 years ago.


Vatican Wealth


Since the Vatican has published very little over the centuries about its finances and investments, most people don’t know how it makes money as a sovereign city-state with its own economy. The Vatican is located within the city of Rome, with an area of ​​110 acres and a population of less than 1,000, making it the smallest country in the world. Although the Vatican is small, it has a great impact in the financial world with its wide-ranging investments that include banking, real estate and private companies.


To understand the complex economy of the Vatican, it is important to establish the differences between Vatican City and the Holy See. The Holy See is the governing body of the nation. If you entered into a contract with the territory, you would do so with the Holy See, in most cases. Vatican City is the physical area where the Holy See resides.


The Holy See generates revenue from Peter’s Pence, the 8th-century term for donations received from Catholics around the world. The Holy See collects donations, from individuals to dioceses, through a special department. The Holy See also earns interest and investment income from its reserves.


Is the Vatican the richest country?


Although it is the smallest of all the countries in terms of population, its GDP per capita estimated at $21,198 makes Vatican City the 18th richest nation in the world per capita.


How much is the Vatican worth in 2020?


Bankers’ best estimates of the Vatican’s wealth put it at between $10 billion and $15 billion. Of this wealth, Italian shares alone amount to $1.6 billion, 15% of the value of shares listed on the Italian market. The Vatican has large investments in banking, insurance, chemicals, steel, construction and real estate.


Why is the Vatican so rich?


Vatican City generates income through entrance fees to museums and the sale of coins, stamps and publications. The Vatican Bank has been at the center of numerous financial scandals, prompting Pope Francis to institute reforms that provide financial accountability and transparency.


How much money does the Vatican have?


Have you ever wondered how much wealth the Church really has? In his book “The Vatican Billions”, the writer and philosopher Avro Manhattan gives us an idea of ​​the true financial value of the Catholic Church:


“The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Great Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with Credit Suisse of London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others.


“The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international companies, such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, TWA, etc.” (…)


“An insight into the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic Church may be gleaned from the observation of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely, ‘that his church is probably second only to the Government of the United States in total annual purchases’.


Who does the Vatican belong to?


The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from the Vatican City State, a sovereign and independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both the Vatican City State and the Holy See.


Who owns the Vatican bank?


It is not a private bank, since there are no owners or shareholders, but rather it has been established as a canonical legal foundation, in accordance with its Statutes. Since July 9, 2014, its president is Jean-Baptiste de Franssu.


What does the Vatican own?


Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.


The Vatican mints its own euros, prints its own stamps, issues passports and license plates, manages the media, and has its own flag and anthem. You can check out:


Vatican Economy


Vatican City’s economy is supported financially by the sale of stamps, coins, medals, and tourist souvenirs, as well as entrance fees to museums and the sale of publications. Vatican City State employed 4,822 people in 2016[1].


Vatican City issues its own coins and stamps. It uses the euro as its currency since January 1, 1999, due to a special agreement with the European Union (council decision 1999/98). Euro coins and banknotes were introduced on January 1, 2002; the Vatican does not issue euro banknotes.