How much money do you start with Monopoly (all editions)?

How much money do you start with Monopoly (all editions)?

Monopoly is a game of capitalist competition. Players compete to see who can accumulate the most wealth and bankrupt their opponents the fastest. However, each player starts on an equal footing, as everyone receives the same amount of money as everyone else.

Under Classic rules, each player starts with $1,500. However, there have been many versions and iterations, with many different rules and tweaks to the original rules. Some, like the Junior edition, are as low as $16, while others, like Electronic Banking, start at $15 million each.

The amount of Monopoly money you start with depends on the edition you are playing. It’s important to know how much money you have before you go shopping, as some properties are more expensive than others. This article answers the question of how much to start with several popular editions and shows you some tricks that will help you beat the game.

How much money do you start with monopoly?

At the start of a new Monopoly game, each player is given a certain amount of money to start with. The banker starts with all the money and then distributes part of it equally to the players. In games that were designed before 2008, banks start with a total of $15,140 distributed like this:

  • 20 orange-colored bills worth $500.
  • 20 beige-colored bills worth $100.
  • 30 blue colored bills worth $50.
  • 50 green colored bills worth $20.
  • 40 yellow colored bills worth $10.
  • 40 pink notes worth $5.
  • 40 white colored bills worth $1.

For games made after September 2008, the bank starts with a total of $20,580. All different denomination banknotes have 30 pieces. Three notes have changed color and these are:

  • $10 bills are now blue.
  • The $20 bills are now bright green.
  • $50 bills are now purple.

The bank also starts as the owner of all properties, including the 32 houses and 12 hotels. The rules for the Monopoly Classic Edition state that the banker will distribute part of his money to the players at the beginning of the game. Each player starts the Monopoly Classic Edition game with:

  • Two 500 dollar bills.
  • Four 100 dollar bills.
  • A 50 dollar bill.
  • A 20 dollar bill.
  • Two $10 bills.
  • A $5 bill.
  • Five $1 bills.

How much money do you start in the monopoly empire?

Monopoly Empire represents a major change from the rules of Monopoly Classic. Gameplay involves collecting billboards to hang on your tower instead of buying properties. There are four towers and 30 billboards.

You cannot trade, but you may be forced to trade billboards with an opponent. Under certain circumstances, you can take billboards from other players and your opponents can also take your billboards.

Empire is much faster to play than the Classic edition. Players cannot go bankrupt and the money is counted in the thousands. So a $50 bill is counted as $50,000. Upon starting the game, the banker gives each player $1 million in the following denominations:

  • A $500 bill is equivalent to $500,000
  • Four $100 bills representing $400,000
  • Two $50 bills equivalent to $100,000
  • Each player also receives two Empire cards and a tower.

How much money do you start with Monopoly Junior?

Monopoly Junior is a children’s version of the Classic Monopoly game. The object of the game is to buy as many properties as possible, collect rent and pick up Lucky Cards that improve your chances of winning.

In Monopoly Junior, each bill is a dollar bill. Each player receives:

  • 12 sold cards that match the character of your token.
  • 20 one dollar bills if it’s a 2 player game.
  • 18 one dollar bills if it’s a 3 player game.
  • 16 one dollar bills if it’s a 4 player game.

How much money do you start with Monopoly Cheaters Edition?

Monopoly Cheaters Edition is an exciting version that allows bending of the original Monopoly rules. However, you don’t just break the rules. You use the Cheat cards and the Community Chest and Chance cards to know when and how you can cheat. To get ahead, you cheat to buy the property and collect the rent. You also win by catching your opponents cheating.

Cheaters’ Edition has no banker. Players pass through the bench tray as they take their turns. Some players may try to collect more from the tray than is allowed. If unnoticed, good for them. If caught, they are penalized.

The tricky cards found in the Chest and Community Chest allow you to bribe judges, send opponents to prison for no reason, or force an opponent to take less rent on your property.

At the start of the game, each player receives:

  • Two 500 dollar bills.
  • Four 100 dollar bills.
  • A 50 dollar bill.
  • A 20 dollar bill.
  • Three 10 dollar bills.

The amount totals $1,500 per player at the start of the game.

How much money do you start with monopoly electronic banking?

Monopoly Electronic Banking Edition reflects the modern transactional lifestyle. The game uses an electronic banker unit and players’ cards work like a regular ATM card.

At the start of the game, you turn on the banker’s unit and each player swipes their card. Each player will be credited with $15,000,000 ($15M).

When using the banker’s unit, you need to be familiar with the symbols. For example, the ‘M’ and ‘K’ denomination buttons represent millions (M) and thousand (K), respectively. The unit can only display up to five characters on the screen. So instead of 20,000 it will show 20K and instead of 5,000,000 it will show 5M.

How much money do you start in the monopoly here and now?

Monopoly Here and Now is very similar to the classic version, except that some rules have been adjusted to reflect the modern economy. For example, prices for everything have been updated to reflect actual market numbers.

Each player starts with $15 million. The money is disbursed in the form of:

  • Two of $5,000,000.
  • Two of $1,000,000.
  • Two of $500,000.
  • Six out of $200,000.
  • Five out of $100,000.
  • Five out of $50,000.
  • Five out of $10,000.

How much money do you start with Monopoly Millionaire?

Want to live the millionaire lifestyle? The Monopoly Millionaire Edition turns fantasy into a board game and you win by becoming the first to reach a million dollars.

Instead of a Community Chest, you have a deck of millionaire lifestyle cards. You also get three engines. One basic, normal and advanced engine per player. In addition, each player also receives a reminder card and starts with a total of $372,000 split as:

  • Two of $100,000
  • Two of $50,000
  • Two of $20,000
  • Two of $10,000
  • Two of $5,000
  • Two of $1,000

How much money do you start with in Pokémon Monopoly?

If you love Pokémon video games, you’ll probably love the Pokémon-themed Monopoly game. Most of the rules in Pokémon Monopoly remain the same as in the classic edition.

However, in the Pokémon edition, you will be playing with ‘Poke money’ instead of Monopoly Dollars. Also, instead of houses and hotels, you will be building Poke centers and Poke markets.

To make the game even more interesting and in line with the theme, players can obtain special powers, such as teleporting as Mewtwo or attacking another player’s gym. However, just like the Classic Edition, Pokémon Monopoly players start with $1,500 split as:

  • Two $500 bills.
  • Four 100 dollar bills.
  • A note of .
  • A note of .
  • Two $10 bills.
  • A note of .
  • Five $1 bills.

How much money do you start with Disney Monopoly?

The Disney Monopoly Edition brings Disney movies, characters and theme park excitement to your board game. The default rules are basically the same with some interesting changes.

Instead of Monopoly Dollars, you will use Disney Dollars. Instead of houses and hotels, you will build White Rabbit’s huts and Sleeping Beauty’s castles. Instead of Chance and Community Chest cards, you will be drawing from decks of Magic Moments cards and Show Time cards.

At the start of the game, each player will receive in Disney Dollars:

  • Two Disney $500 bills.
  • Four Disney $100 bills.
  • A $50 Disney bill.
  • A Disney $20 bill.
  • Two Disney $10 bills.
  • A Disney $5 bill.
  • Five Disney $1 bills.

How much money do you start with in Monopoly City?

Monopoly City introduces some urban complexities to the standard game. Some of the new additions are:

  • Schools
  • parks
  • water towers
  • prisons
  • garbage dumps
  • Mapped districts
  • wind farms
  • power plants
  • sewers

The currency is in thousands and millions. Upon starting the game, the banker distributes $37,700,000 to each player divided into:

  • Six bills of $5 million each.
  • Six bills of $1 million each.
  • Two bills of $500,000 each.
  • Two bills of $200,000 each.
  • Two bills of $100,000 each.
  • A $50,000 bill.
  • Five bills of $10,000 each.

How much money do you start with Monopoly Deluxe Edition Monopoly game?

Monopoly Deluxe Edition was a 1995 release celebrating the 60th anniversary since the release of the first Monopoly game. The game is basically the same as the original save for some visual improvements and extra tokens. Some of the updates that make this a more sophisticated version than the original include:

  • Golden symbols.
  • An extravagant money bearer.
  • A cute title deed card holder.
  • Box, board and more elaborate pieces.

However, even with the updated appearance, the Deluxe version follows the same rules as the Classic Edition. Each player starts with $1,500 in:

  • Two 500.
  • Four 100.
  • A 50 dollar bill.
  • A 20 dollar bill.
  • Two dozen.
  • A five dollar bill.
  • Five one dollar bills.