How do you make a money order?
How do you make a money order?
You can request an ordinary postal order by going to any post office. To carry out the operation, you must bring with you a valid identity document (identity card, passport, or driving license) and your tax code (or health card with tax code).
What data do you need to make a postal order?
indicate the postcode, address, and city of both the recipient and the sender. fill in with the name and surname or company name of the sender. in the section relating to communications from the sender, you can specify the reason for sending the money order—the sender’s signature.
How do you know if a money order has arrived?
Pick up the phone and dial the following number: 803.160. It is a free service and is active from Monday to Saturday. The timetable is always the same and covers 12 hours. It goes from 8 in the morning to 20:00.
What do you need to send a fast postal order?
Vaglia Veloce is simple and safe: fill in the form and choose a keyword, consisting of three to sixteen characters. Once you have completed the form, you will receive the reference number of the Money Order order, which you must communicate to the recipient together with the keyword and the amount.
How long does a circular money order last?
The credit incorporated in the postal order expires on 31 December of the second year following the year of issue; The provisions applicable to cashier’s checks apply to postal orders, insofar as they are compatible.
What is the cost of the postal order?
- Cost of Postal Order. As far as costs are concerned, it is worthwhile in this case to clarify them with a list that includes every type of money order. Ordinary Money Order – The cost is 6 euros, if made at an Italian post office, or 2.50 euros if done online.
When should the international postal order be collected?
- The maximum amount that can be sent or received with an ordinary postal order is € 2,582.28. The amount must be collected by the end of the second year following the year of issue. For example, a money order issued on June 2, 2019, can be redeemed no later than December 31, 2021. International money order
How do you collect an ordinary postal order?
- How to collect an ordinary postal order. The ordinary money order is delivered to the beneficiary’s home (via registered mail) within 3-4 days from the issue. The beneficiary of the money order can collect the amount in cash at any post office or choose to pay the money received into their checking account …
What is the fast money order service?
- The express money order is the ideal service for those who need to transfer money securely and with immediate effect. The transaction is protected by a password without which it is not possible to collect the money, a system that safeguards both the sender and the recipient.