How Difficult Is It To Learn Arabic Script?

How Difficult Is It To Learn Arabic Script?

If you’ve always wanted to learn Arabic script, but have always felt intimidated by it, then you’re not alone. Many people find learning Arabic script difficult, but there are some ways to make the process smoother and easier, like through an Online Quran Academy that provides all the materials you need to learn the language without having to leave the comfort of your home or office. Read this article to learn more about online Quran academies and how they can help you learn Arabic script easily and effortlessly!

The difficulty in learning Arabic script

Arabic script is one of the most challenging scripts in the world Online Quran Academy. The difficulty in learning Arabic script depends on your background. Someone who already knows how to read and write in another Latin-based alphabet should find that the letters are similar enough for them to figure out with a little practice. However, for those who don’t know any other scripts or languages, learning how to read and write in a new language can be overwhelming at first.

The good news is there are plenty of resources available online and offline that you can use to help you learn how to read and write this complicated language. You might also want to get creative by thinking about ways you can make learning Arabic more interesting!

The different levels of difficulty

Learning how to read and write in the Arabic language can be a daunting task. The difficulty of the process depends on two things: how familiar you are with the alphabet and how unfamiliar you are with the alphabet. The more familiar one is with the alphabet, the easier reading and writing will be. The less familiar one is with the alphabet, the harder reading and writing will be. There are five levels of difficulty that one can experience when learning how to read and write in Arabic, depending on these two factors.  First, there is an easy level for those who have some familiarity with the Arabic alphabet.

On this level, learners must memorize 12 letters that do not vary from their shapes. For those who are very unfamiliar with the Arabic alphabet, there are four more levels of difficulty before reaching expert status. Those who fall into this category must memorize 16 letters at least (the diacritics) which may vary from shape depending on their position in a word. However if one persists through all these levels of difficulty then they will reach an advanced stage where they only need to learn 10 letters without any variation due to their positioning in a word

The benefits of learning Arabic script

Learning the Arabic alphabet can be a challenge for someone who does not have any experience with Middle Eastern scripts. However, the benefits of learning this language are worth the hard work and dedication that you need to put in. You will have an incredible opportunity to interact with people from all over the world and get an inside view on their culture. You will also have a chance to explore your own heritage and connect with family members from across generations. Learning Arabic also enhances your ability to speak, read, and write English because it uses many of the same letters and words as English does so you will be able to spell words correctly when writing in English.


Learning Online Quran Academy how to read and write in Arabic script can be a daunting task. But by taking the time to review some of these simple tips, you should be well on your way to mastering the language.

1) The first step is learning which direction the words go on a page: right-to-left or left-to-right. This will dictate where your starting point will be when you learn how to read and write in Arabic script.

2) After that, you need to become familiar with the letter forms. Some letters might look different from what you’re used to seeing so take time out of your day for practice, patience and time for yourself.