How Can You Correctly Answer Questions In Your Assignments

How Can You Correctly Answer Questions In Your Assignments

Who doesn’t want to score high marks in their assignments? Yes, you are right; everyone wants to score high in work assigned to them by their teachers. Everyone wants to shine in the eyes of their professor. But this doesn’t come easy. You have to work hard to achieve this level. It will help if you put all your efforts into your assignment. But there are also some sections which you need to work on for writing good assignments. In this article, I will discuss those sections which can help you to score well.

Before moving towards the essential things to be added to assignments, let’s define an assignment. An assignment is a piece of writing or job assigned to someone as part of his job. It has different meanings in different industries. In the construction industry, an assignment can be the ongoing construction of a house or a building. On the other, in the educational sector, teachers give their students assignments to evaluate them. Hence, its meaning is variable. But in this particular writing, we will be discussing it in relation to academic assignments.

Key Sections of an Assignment

Some sections are necessary to add to any assignment. Without these sections, the assignment is incomplete. Now, I will be discussing those parts. These are as follows;

Evaluate the Topic

The evaluation of the ideas and arguments in an assignment is necessary. The reader will know the truth and false only from your evaluation. If you evaluate the topic in a good manner and positive way. It will leave a positive impression on the reader. On the other hand, if you have doubts about your point of view, how would you convince your reader? Many assignments demand you to evaluate the sources. Sources could be anything books, journal articles, or websites. If you perform a critique of the topic, you talk about the positive and negative things of the content. When you perform an evaluation, you tell your reader how successful is the source at presenting the righteous information.

Recommended by an assignment writing service, authors should write the evaluation part using the three-point model. This three-point model includes opinion, evidence, and justification. The author gives his opinion on a certain topic of the assignment. Then he evaluates it on the available shreds of evidence. After providing evidence, he justifies his point. This is the three-point model of evaluating a topic in assignments.

Let’s take an example to explain it further. For example, you want to develop an informational website to assist your community with the latest job openings. Now your assignment is the development of a website. Your purpose is to post the latest job openings around your country on it. What will you do? You will evaluate your community on some parameters. These parameters include;

  • What is the ratio of social media usage in your community?
  • Will the site be useful?

To get the answer to these questions, you might take inputs from individuals of your community.  After getting all the responses, you will evaluate the whole situation. And then you will decide whether you should build a website or not.


Analysing or interoperating both terms are closely related to each other in assignments. You need to have a clear understanding of what your reader is demanding from you. Having this clue will help you interoperate the shreds of evidence you gathered. The analysis of the topic requires a critical approach towards the topic. When you analyse something, you think about it thoroughly and thoroughly to comprehend or explain it. To examine or understand the connections between the important parts or ideas of a subject; to analyse, recognise, and identify the main pieces or ideas. When you are going to analyse something in an assignment, ask yourself a few questions. These questions are as follows;

  • Why did you choose this topic?
  • What is the evidence you have to prove your point of view?
  • Who is your audience?

If you get the answer to these questions, then the analysis will become easy for you.

For example, the topic of the issue is “the importance of resident doctor in a company”. Now to carry out the analysis researcher needs to collect data first for assignments. The data will show how much employees think that the service of resident doctors is good. And how many employees answer otherwise. After that, the researcher will collect data from the companies who have the facility of the resident doctor. He will interview the employees of other companies to know about their satisfaction level. This way, after gathering all of the data, he will run an analysis.


The discussion chapter is where you explain the meaning, significance, and application of your findings. It should concentrate on discussing and analysing what you discovered. It should also demonstrate how it relates to your literature review and research objectives. And the discussion section should build a case for your ultimate conclusion. This part can be written in a variety of ways, but four important elements should be the centre of your discussion:

  • What do the results mean in terms of interpretation?
  • What are the implications of the findings?
  • What can the results’ limitations tell us?
  • What practical measures or scientific studies should be taken as a result of the recommendations?

The discussion and conclusion tend to overlap. And in some dissertations, these two sections are combined into a single chapter. The results and discussion are occasionally bundled into a single chapter. One thing to note, you should not state results again in this section. You need to discuss the results obtained.


In the end, I would say these three terms evaluate, analyse, and discussion are the most important terms in assignments. Your whole concept or assignment will revolve around these three things. It would help if you were sure about the guidelines provided by your professor. If you are unsure, you can read a thesis related to your field or consult with your supervisor.