How to generate leads for Medicare insurance?

How to generate leads for Medicare insurance?

Being an insurance agent is not an easy job because most newcomers waste half of their lifetime finding ways to generate leads. Yeah, it is a challenging task if you do not know the below-mentioned approaches to contact the Best Medicare supplement leads to make an offer. This is because an agent with real zeal must strive towards finding exclusive insurance leads online and offline for the mutual growth of themselves and their employer.

  • Referrals
  • Community gatherings
  • Follow traditional tactics
  • Use the company website


An insurance employee with experience can reach out to existing customers for referrals. But what about a newcomer? Yeah, it is hard for a newbie as they have a small or no client list. That is when you must contact your close family and friends for introductions to potential clients. You can also dial up the numbers of your former colleagues asking them to alert you about potential insurance policy seekers.

One point to remember is to never panic about attending a call from a client who requests you to cancel their insurance plan. Tell them that you will be available to help them by clarifying all their doubts and fears at any moment. This way you can build trust and retain the policy. Do not forget to take an exit interview to identify the areas of improvement for making necessary changes.

Community gatherings

Try becoming a volunteer in your community. It makes you appear as a committed and caring person. Gain the trust of the members and make a move. Advise them about various insurance plans available along with the benefits of signing up for insurance coverage to generate Medicare insurance leads. Take the opportunity and host insurance seminars, attend online forums and area meetups, be a guest speaker at business groups, and you can do a lot more to make sales for your company.

But do not make the mistake of focusing only on selling policies to people, be sincere and prioritize serving the community. Community members will automatically reach out to you when they are in need on maintaining a healthy relationship.

Follow traditional tactics

As the feature of spam folders makes it difficult to find potential Medicare supplement insurance leads through emails, it is a smart move to collaborate with a restaurant to distribute gift certificates to contest winners or post an Ad including a physical card on a magazine or utilize the matrimony pages in a newspaper to make sales.

Use the company website

Just like any other business, insurance companies do have an online presence. So seek personal information of customers through buttons like ‘get a quote’. Another way is to request potential leads to subscribe to regular newsletters through a popup.

Bottom line

From the above, it is evident that a professional working for Medicare can generate leads for the company through referrals, being active in social gatherings, following traditional tactics, and using the employer’s website. That being said, you can also try out new ideas for generating Medicare insurance leads.