Gaming App Monetization: Generate Revenue Through Offerwall in 2022

Gaming App Monetization: Generate Revenue Through Offerwall in 2022

Want to know how to make the most money from your mobile game? Your users can play for free while you make money by monetizing with offerwall.


Discover the best practices for including advertisements in your mobile game by reading on to find out more about why developers opt to monetize with offerwall.


Why do game developers choose to monetize their games with offerwall?


In the past, game creators have employed a wide range of game revenue methods, such as subscription and in-app purchase (IAP) models. IAP enables users to purchase extra features to improve their gaming experience.


However, the majority of mobile app users spend very little money on applications in a given month. As a result, a lot of developers are using offerwall to open up new revenue opportunities.


Offerwall has emerged as the most widely used method of app monetization because not all users are willing or able to pay for mobile games or in-app purchase products. Developers, gamers, and marketers all benefit from offerwall.


Developers can make the money they need to continue creating the stuff they love. Users are more engaged and more likely to stick with a game when they can keep playing it for free. Additionally, advertisers have the chance to attract new users with relevant and offerwall.


In-app offerwall offers a cost-free user experience in addition to being a very adaptable business strategy that works well with other income streams like IAP.


Ads and IAP may coexist without eating into revenue, according to an increasing number of developers. Developers are also learning that rewarded offerwall can occasionally encourage more non-paying users to make purchases by giving them a sneak peek at in-app goodies.


In fact, usage of what is frequently referred to as “hybrid monetization” has grown by more than 50% in the last year. Continue reading to find out why a game developer just like you decided to incorporate in offerwall into its revenue plan.


Publishers of both gaming and non-gaming apps continue to favor offerwall. For both publishers and users, these 50-seconds to 3-minute offerwall create a favorable experience.


Users are rewarded with in-game material (boosters, lives, in-game currency) that allows them to advance, while publishers increase their revenue stream, retention rates, and conversion rates. Offerwall that unlock features are used in non-gaming apps in a similar way


The data is out, and the results are in! Rapidoreach, a Digital Turbine company, partnered together with a varied spectrum of gaming and non-gaming publishers throughout the world to collect their thoughts, delve into their monetization methods, and grasp the trends and outlooks of app publishers through their lenses.


We inquired about how publishers approach gaming and non-gaming app monetization, how they rank revenue sources, whether they are accepting and adapting to new privacy regulations, how they split their IAP and IAA strategies, and more.


Best practices for integrating the right researchers for your game:


Are you prepared to incorporate mobile adverts into your own games? To help you create a fantastic ad experience for your game, Rapidoreach offers a wide range of adaptable, unobtrusive, high-performing offerwall.


Simple to utilize and a wonderful place to start with mobile advertising are offerwall. Users can view interstitial advertisements in full screen. With an added value for users in the form of in-game awards, rewarded adverts provide a very engaging experience.


Finally, offerwall native advertisements may be the best choice for you if you want to customize the appearance of adverts to match your in-game content. Regardless of the format you choose, it affects how you play.


Rapidoreach provides a range of tools so you can test various ad formats and evaluate how well they perform with your users. Find out which format works best for your apps by reading on.


Incentivize gamers to keep playing with offerwall:


Gamers that choose to interact with an ad in exchange for a “prize” within the app are having incentivized ad experiences.


Rewards can include additional gaming time as well as features and power-ups that are typically only accessible through in-app purchases. Video advertising and other interactive ads, including playable, will be produced via rewarded offerwall.


Offerwall gamers choose whether to interact with an advertisement in exchange for a worthwhile reward, giving them control over the advertising experience.


Since they increase user engagement and give game creators a significant bump in revenue, offerwall have gained popularity in the gaming industry. The number of apps implementing offerwall has increased 4 times in the past year.


Due to enhanced user engagement and exceptional performance, offerwall typically have the highest eCPMs among all ad formats. Offerwall, however, will only work well if they provide worthwhile prizes at the appropriate moment because impression volume is directly proportional to user opt-in rates.


The following are recommended practices for implementing offerwall:


Take into account when and where your users may be interested in interacting with an ad to receive a reward, as well as the kind and amount of incentive that may be most suitable.


For instance, instead of forcing players to restart a level after them “die” in a game; let them to complete an offerwall to keep playing. Alternately, give players more points in progressive games so they can go along more quickly.


  • Complement in-app purchases with offerwall. By allowing consumers to consume goods generally available via IAP, several developers have achieved success. Users are more inclined to make future in-app purchases once they’ve experienced the premium edition of the app.


  • To find the best implementation for your game, try out several reward categories and dollar amounts. These tests can be conducted using a powerful A/B testing solution like Firebase Remote Config.


  • Last but not least, prefetch your offerwall beforehand exactly as you would with interstitials to ensure that the creative are ready to run when the user opts in.




When utilized properly, the offerwall for game creators can work well with the current monetization system, attract more freemium players, increase payment, and improve retention and conversion. The ideal option in this case is Offerwall.