Facts Of Natural Hair Care – How To Make Perfect

Hair are unique to every individual and play a huge part in building a person’s confidence and completing the overall look. There’s more your hair then you know. If you are interested in knowing what products are associated with hairs then keep on reading and dive in the world of amazing hair products with Mr Kids Haircuts.
- Hair Grow Faster In Warm Weather: Yes, moderate heat is good for your hair as it stimulates hair growth by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. Keep in mind only moderate warmth is good, so laying under the sun on the beach will be of no benefit and will damage hair instead with UV light and salt water.
- A Wet Hair Strand Can Stretch 30% More Than Dry Hair: Ever wondered why your hair look shorter when they dry after getting a haircut? Well the reason is that you hair’s elasticity increases around 30% more then in dry hair.
- Black Hair Color Is Most Common While Red Color Is The Rarest: Black is the most prevalent hair color all around the world, whereas red hair color only exists in 1% of the population and blond hair in overall 2% population.
- All The Hair You Can See Are Dead: If you think your hair are living and growing from the tips than I’m sorry to break this weird news to you that all the hair you can see and touch physically are dead. Only what’s present inside the scalp is growing and once it breaks the epidermis is becomes dead.
- Blow Drying Alters Hair Shape: Blow dying hair alters its chemical property by changing the hydrogen bonds. Water also changes the hydrogen bonds which makes them flat when you take a shower.
- Hair Is The Second Fastest Growing Tissue: While bone marrow is the fastest growing tissue hair stands second in the list and is the second fastest growing tissue in living body.
- Average Hair Growth: On average, a hair strand grows 0.3 – 0.5 mm daily, 1.25 centimeters or 0.5 inches per month, and 15centimeters or 6 inches in a year.
- Lifespan Of Hair: A single hair strand has a lifespan of 5 years. Another amazing fact is that while 90% of your hair are growing 10% are resting and taking a break.
- Your Hair Can Tell A lot About You: A single strand of your hair if gets into the hands of a forensic scientist can tell all about your drinking habits. It basically can tell everything present in your bloodstream such as, medicine, drugs, vitamins, and minerals as well.
- When Hair Follicles Form: Have you ever pondered over as to when you grew your first strand of hair? So to cure your curiosity, all the hair follicles are formed in the mother’s womb when the baby is just 5 months old.
- Your Hair Is Just Not Made Up Of Keratin: Your hair are a chemical mystery and are made up of more than just keratin. It is composed of 50% carbon , 21% oxygen, 17% nitrogen, 6% hydrogen, and 5% sulphur.
- How Many Hair Strands Do You Have: On an average, a person has around 100,000 – 150,000 hair strands on their head of which you normally shed 40 to 150 strands in day.
Author Bio:
Francine is a short story writer, blogger, author, and world explorer agent. Love to write about lifestyle, culture, fashion industry, investment field, and most especially have a craze to visit all around the world and inhale the different cultures from all the countries in this world.