Everything About Web Design

Everything About Web Design

Web design is those designer clothes for your websites that you wear. It is done mainly to enhance the user experience rather than software development, web designers design your ideas and companies motives into an eye pleasing website to help you gain customer satisfaction and higher conversion rate. Creating a responsive and adaptive website is important as users open websites on many different kinds of browsers, the website should be flexible enough to load and set in every kind of device. If a user finds your website and design outdated or cold they’ll come to a conclusion you went out of business, try to add different aesthetic images and graphics to attract your customer but make them relevant irrelevant things on the website that can lower your visits.




The websites poorly designed have lower page visits, low time on site, low conversion, high bounce rate they don’t perform well enough, here are some ways you can create a website aesthetically.


  1. Purpose


The website should serve the purpose it is made for be it entertainment, information, gaming or even business, the user visiting should feel the worth visit, your website should have a clear purpose.


  1. Communication


People need quick results, it’s in human nature to avoid time consuming things, they need clear and simple communication to understand things better, to make things look beautiful yet formal using headlines, subheading, bullet points can do wonders.


  1. Types faces


Simple fonts work better on websites as they are easier to read and take less reading time, use maximus 3 different typefaces if needed to give your webpage a better outlook.


  1. Colors


Using a color contrast palette gives the page an aesthetic vibe and can even make it easier to read for the user, using white spaces can help you make your website look uncluttered and lastly using vibrant colors to call out actions is bullets and important things can work well.


  1. Images


Images say thousands of words, using relevant images in your website can help you reach your target audience, using graphics videos can reach more audience than a really well written piece.


  1. Navigations


How easy you can make your website for your user to move around, using bread crumbs, clickable option and even following three dots rule can make your website look formal and even easy to move around.


  1. Grid based layouts


Randomly placed objects on a website can give it an ugly look, by arranging things in a systematic manner by using grids, lines, boxes can increase you web time.


  1. “F” pattern design


As per studies people look top left more than other side of the page, instead of changing users habit try indulging in to readers natural behavior, try adding important stuff at left side and flow it towards right or from top to bottom


  1. Load time


Who likes to wait? Certainly not us users returning back from websites which take ages to load using compressed images and CSS or javascript can help reduce the load time.


  1. Mobile friendly


The most used screen or gadget is mobile’s, creating a responsive website which can adjust the size according to the browser that is responsive website or creating a whole new website compatible for mobile phone.




When given a limited time what would you like to see? Something simple or something created with innovation and art? Web design is an important part of your brand, it creates a first impression of your brand, website, and you. To enhance your web design skills and to Build career in Web Design. There are two ways to learn, One is by learning  Online and another is by joining a nearby Web Design Institute in Vadodara or wherever you live.  People start judging within seconds so the moment they lay eyes on your website they start analyzing everything and anything which is on your website, a non pleasing or not updated website never retains users on the page, the impression your web design makes on the users decides if it’s going to tune into lead or return back to your competitor, the way you use elements in your web designs helps the google crawlers crawl on your website using on page SEO techniques are important as battling for the visibility on search engines is hard.


If you don’t put efforts in your website the customer can easily know hope much you care for them, your website’s web design is virtual face of your organization, the more appealing it will be the more popularity it will receive, a cold looking website can make your customers run away in another direction, an updated web design is important because customer can easily understand just by looking at website the condition of the company, you should work on your web designs as your competitors are doing, they’ll keep on taking your potential customer if you don’t pace up with the speed of digitization, it shows your consistency.




The web designer needs to have basic knowledge of designing, knowing the exact tools at the right places can make your websites looks attractive, without mastering the skill of know how to enhance user experience (UX) and user Interface (UI) and create a website that is visually attractive, by keeping in mind about every aspects of human nature and making sure to create a responsive website this will help you step up in your skill.


Learning HTML and CSS is one of the most useful skills for web designing. Learning different programming languages can be very helpful in designing websites, no web design can work effectively without strong SEO, being a web designer you’ll have to work on websites speed, load time, layout, structure. Having good communication is important as the designer only then can convey the messages and vision of the company clearly to the targeted audience. With constant updates and fast paced creation, you’ll have to be crucial with your time as you’ll have to keeping changing your web designs according to the need of your user, web server is not under web designing but knowing it can help you solve the problems much more quickly.